View Full Version : Tenesmus and Irritated Bowels

16-06-18, 18:05
Hello everyone.

First things first, I will say that I'm going to be making a doctor's appointment on Monday morning to get things checked out but I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with how I'm feeling at the moment.

I have been struggling to put how I'm feeling into words until I found the word "tenesmus."

It started around five to seven days ago when I realised I was quite constipated and had to strain quite a bit to get things moving. When I was done I had the continued feeling of needing to go so I went back and there was a bit more that came out easier, but the feeling of needing to go didn't subside and my body was still telling me I needed the bathroom even if the only thing I passed was some clear mucus. Eventually the feeling subsided quite a bit.

The next few days seemed to be OK although I was still quite constipated.

The last couple of days I have been passing a lot of stool and it is soft and reasonably easy to pass. The problem is that despite having bowel movements I still get the feeling that I need to go even when there is nothing left to come out.

I don't seem to have any other symptoms. There's no blood that I've seen, no nausea or vomiting, no real pains (I have a few aches and pains but I'm very sensitive to feelings down there). Everything else seems pretty normal. Appetite seems normal and my weight seems stable as well.

The most confusing thing is that I am passing a lot of stool. If I was very blocked up I would understand but I don't seem to be.

Searching the symptoms give a worrying array of possible causes and I know that I'm likely going to get sent for some tests when I see the doctor :(

Does anyone else have any experience with this? Is there a more likely cause than something big and scary?