View Full Version : Anxiety all week

16-06-18, 18:12
Hi... Just looking for some advice for constant panic... I can't seem to shake it... I have had a week of insomnia and panic, it's like a self-perpetuating cycle. I have started CBT but it is so hard when I'm feeling like this. I can't eat, i can't sleep, the only time i sleep is if i drink wine... and I've been on Propanolol (40mg) and Seroxat (30mg) for a long time. The only thing that has ever calmed me down is diazepam, but my GP won't prescribe it - she gave me Zopiclone for insomnia but it barely lasts a few hours before i wake up feeling worse for it... how can i break this cycle of anxiety and fear and insomnia? Any advice gratefully received - i called 111 today in despair and the GP never rang back :( please help

16-06-18, 22:24
Hi SadieK,
My understanding is that Seroxat/paroxetine (there is a subforum for this drug) is an SSRI that includes treating panic/anxiety, so there may be something recent that brought on the panic attacks (e.g., stress in personal life, stress at work). It may be too early, but did your doctor say anything about changing the dosage or switching to another SSRI?

Yes, it is a vicious cycle when you cannot sleep and wake up tired, which only adds to the daytime anxiety. I also take Zopiclone. With 3.75mg, I get ~2 hours sleep and then restless the rest of the night. With 7.5mg, I still wake up, but manage to fall asleep again and get 6-7 hours of broken sleep. I also take Melatonin 1mg, which is harmless, but not really sure if it helps. I do not recommend alcohol for sleep.

I recently started Mindfulness sessions, having tried group CBT for anxiety previously with no benefit. Mindfulness focuses on breathing and meditation that I find calming.

18-06-18, 19:17
Thank you so much for your reply :) I've got a doctor's appt tomorrow at 11, am going to discuss the seroxat and beta blockers and see if she will change dose/ change medication if necessary... it's just so exhausting... I went to an urgent care doctor yesterday and have some more Zopiclone to help me sleep. CBT isn't working yet for me because it's so hard to focus... Maybe another therapy would help, will look into it.
x thankyou x

19-06-18, 07:50
I truly feel for you.
If you can, exercise, exercise, exercise, as if you are trying to squeeze all the anxiety out.

Try and find a quiet place each day and shut your eyes and breathe in deeply for a few minutes and concentrate on your breathing and don't dwell on invasive thoughts. Keep trying that.

We're all here behind you on the forum.

Hope you have close family/friends you can offload to.

And be kind to yourself.

All the best

19-06-18, 22:39
Oh so awful to be in that cycle which I know too well. I find switching attention by focusing on your breathing calms me right down. Look up the happy monk on YouTube. He really is good.

02-07-18, 21:29
First of all you just need to take more time then other (maybe driven) people.
You deserve it.
Don't try to 'endgain'.
There is no 'endgain' in life

Just see how far you come. Like in an experiment. Don't try to force anything.
Improvements will come for you.

Love yourself completely everyday.
Small improvements are still improvements.
And improvements WILL come if you keep self-loving

It might be that you are all very special people (and it might be in a very hope-giving way)
I had similiar problems and all are gone now and it never even was my own fault
Take your time.
You have aaaaaaaaalll the time.
Your body will NEVER act against you.
Never believe any nonsense.
Keep a good diet and enough sleep.
If you can't sleep just chill in the bed, you will still get rejuvenation :D
And also lie down 3 or 4 times or however often during the daytime to give yourself a bit more relaxation, if it's calming you down.
Let no one say how you should live your life. Don't try to be sheepy, like other schmocks :D
I found solutions for all my 'fears' and 'panic attacks' on this homepage.
Might be challenging, but these answers are truly self empowering and not just playing around
And you will be one of the VERY few people that got to deeper understanding of all this
All the best

08-08-18, 19:35
Just wanted to thank you all for your replies. I may not have been able to type it at the time, was in such a state, but they all meant so much, to know that you all understand... thank you :hugs: