View Full Version : sebaceous cyst private area - anyone? seb

17-06-18, 22:14
Hi All!
Apparently I have cyst or an ingrown hair in my private area, the top of my labia majora to be precise.
It's hard, the size of a pea, not really moveable - it's just there. Sometimes after I put heat to it it appears to grow smaller but then it's hard again the next day. Has anyone had one of those?
The Dr barely touched it -she just poked it and said yep it's a cyst or an ingrown hair. Treatment is to leave it. But I can't, I have a lump under my skin, we all know that for an HA person having a lump under your skin is the worst - I can't leave a tiny splinter I have to get it out!
Anyone has anyone had one? This one seems to itch and get sore sometimes and when this happens it gets bigger. I do shave that area but I wont anymore... but it's driving me nuts, I"ve put magnesium paste on it to help draw it out but nothing is happening and there is no head on it so I thought that a cyst had to have a head. I also thought a cyst was moveable this is hard... and not really moveable, I mean i can squish it between my finger but I can't move it around my vagina! I'm sure men get these too - so if anyone might have something or had something please share ... it might make me feel better, I'm assuming the Dr knows what cancer looks like and it pretty much turned up over night so I don't think it's that, but I just want it gone.
Thanks guys!

(How do you edit a title? Seb was a mistake in my title ha ha

17-06-18, 22:20
Hey! How deep is it?? I have sometbing extremely similar!! Ive been dealing with it since December of last year and it has never grown a head or disappeared. You can read my previous threads to see how similar it is or if the responses I get help at all! You'll be okay :)

17-06-18, 22:25
ah well, I can see the lump on top of my skin so I'm assuming it's not deep. Thing is I had another one 2 months ago - again after shaving, and went to the Dr about it and then two days later as if my magic it just disappeared so I assumed this one would but it isn't! I can feel it taunting me, it kinda tingles and the area is slightly red, but that could also be because I'm forever squeezing it. So it's probably not very deep. Does that sound like yours? Are you male or female and where is your one?

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

Sammy I can't figure out how to see your last posts - how do I do that?

17-06-18, 23:04
I'm a female too. Mines deep in the tissue as a lump though. Still was told it must be a cyst. Managed to convince myself for awhile I had a super rare form of sarcoma.. wasn't a good time. Cysts don't always go away I would suggest just watching it and avoid touching it.

17-06-18, 23:09
Does yours sometimes get bigger and smaller? I googled the scar coma after reading your posts! Ha ha freaked out for a second but read that it’s slow growing and this thing turned up practically overnight!
How did you manage to find it? Mine was itching - does yours itch?
I might go and get a scan if it’s still there in a month.
My dr and I have a deal - I write down what my concern is and if it’s still there in a month then I go in to her. Dependant on what it is of course!
Blood in bowels not waiting a month! ;)

17-06-18, 23:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


17-06-18, 23:29
That’s cool but where did you move it?

---------- Post added at 22:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ----------

Hey NMP this is not a female health issue. Just because it’s located there. It’s for men and woman I disagree it suits being in the sub catergory.
Unfair discrimination.

17-06-18, 23:44
It is hardly unfair discrimination.

17-06-18, 23:53
Yeah but I'm not sure if it's in my head. Mine I just felt a lump I can't remember even how. It's fairly big and hasn't appeared to change or move significantly.

18-06-18, 00:07
Yeah I think my bigger and smaller is on my head! I keep squeezing it but IM sure that if you’ve had yours for a year it will be fine!

18-06-18, 03:07
My advice is just leave it alone and if it bothers You too much it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion or ask for it to be professionally removed :) you're not supposed to pop them on your own any ways it could get infected

30-07-20, 20:12
I have what I think is a cyst in a similar spot. A tiny bump under the skin, but I can’t see mine very well. It doesn’t hurt unless I poke at it, is kinda itchy sometimes, and I just noticed it earlier this week maybe an inch above the clitoral hood. I haven’t been to the doctor for it yet, as I have an appt scheduled the 10th already, but it sounds similar to how yours is? I think it’s hard to tell if it’s movable due to the location but, it kind of reminds me of how those under the skin pimples can feel.