View Full Version : Hip bone pain

18-06-18, 16:06
Have had a really positive week, but can feel myself slipping back into that dark place.

Following the relatively positive result of my colonoscopy, most of my fears had disappeared.

I have had lower right abdomen pain for a few weeks, but put it down to my bowel symptoms. However, more recently the pain feels more and more like a sore on the hip bone itself (at the front of the hip)

Like I said, I had been in a really positive frame of mind, but read about a certain high-profile case regarding hip soreness which has plunged me back into worrying, anxiety.

The pain comes and goes, and there isn't any particular time where it's worse than others.

Am now worried about bone cancer - which is especially linked to my previous worries of testicular cancer due to pains in that are.Scared that it's gone undetected (due to no lumps or swelling) and spread.

I did have a weird tingle on my thigh a month ago whenever I would start walking in the mornings but that disappeared after a week. Can't believe I'm back to this worrying place :sad::sad:

18-06-18, 16:53
I have just been diagnosed with bursitis in my hip.

Get a doc to have a look - it could just be muscular.

18-06-18, 22:35
Thanks Nicola. I’ve got an appointment on Thursday. I’ll have to battle through till then!

It just worries me as it feels like around the top of the hip. Although I’m trying to remember the lessons from my headaches, ny bowel worries etc. I was CONVINCED then and it came to nothing