View Full Version : Please help - red patch on hard palate

18-06-18, 17:33
Hello to all the members here!
First of all, I want to say thank you for all the posts, I am new member, but I'm reading a lot this forum, it helped me a lot of times with health anxiety issues I'm having last few years.
Sorry if my English is not perfect, it's not my native language :(

And here's my problem, I hope someone will help a little bit.
I'm 27 years old, smoking cigarettes for few years, and in last two years I'm having big issues with anxiety - it's about my throat and mouth (I'm always looking it on the mirror with flashlight, I'm a smoker and I'm always scared that I'll pick up some bad disease like cancer).

This thing happened latest - 7 days ago I noticed this red, flat patch on my hard palate, it doesn't hurt really, but it scared me because of the color of it, and this shape :( And bad thing is that I've read some bad articles on Google about these things.

I'm posting a photo, does anyone have idea what this could be?
Thanks in advance!

---------- Post added at 16:33 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

Unfortunately I can't post any photos :(

19-06-18, 02:35
Ok, first, stop smoking. The last thing you need is to give yourself more anxiety because you know the risks.

Is the patch like a patch of red spots? Or is it a solid patch? You might have scratched yourself when eating something rough, like chips or popcorn. Also, it’s allergy season and sometimes sneezing can cause blood vessels to burst on the roof of your mouth.

My dentist said to give anything in your mouth 3 weeks. If it’s still there in 3 weeks go have it checked out. I doubt it will be. Your mucous membranes are really sensitive, but they also heal quickly.