View Full Version : Hiatal Hernia? Anxiety?

18-06-18, 17:50

I recently went through a bout of panic attacks which caused me alsorts of problems for weeks. Basically it all started at work around a month ago where I felt slightly dizzy and decided to go for a walk and whilst doing it had my first ever full blown panic attack. I ended up in A&E as the panic was just like a heart attack with chest pains etc, thankfully the ECG and the blood test came back fine.

Around a week after that event I had numerous symptoms like pins and needles in the hands, everything and I also developed stomach pain. The stomach pain has been here ever since but all my other symptoms are gone.

The pain is quite mild and I have not been sick nor have I lost my appetite, it is just discomfort really. At first it was like my abs muscles were just turned on constantly but now it feels like it is right in my stomach.

In the last week it feels like it has changed and the feeling I have now is like the valve that connects your stomach to your food pipe is being constricted or my stomach is twisted. I am having weird sensations when swallowing and the pain feels related to my food pipe. When I cough I also feel stomach pain and the rest of the time the pain is there, it isn't bad but very uncomfortable. I then try to burp to get it out which relieves it but most of the time it just won't let it happen.

I go on holiday in less than 2 weeks and I am only 29.... I have been putting off the doctors because I am worried... I am literally just waiting for it to go away itself.... I have been reading alsorts of stuff about hiatal hernias and GERD but I can't understand how this can all come on in the last month and I am convinced it is all related to my anxiety episodes. I keep telling myself this but it just will not go away. :weep:

21-06-18, 20:07
Anxiety goes right to my stomach, and yes it feels like it's all twisting up in there. Please think about seeing the doctor, to put your mind at rest.

22-06-18, 01:19
Poor you, it probably is all related to your anxiety but i have a rule that if it bothers me for 2 weeks then I’ll go to the doctors! Does it get worse after eating at all? Do you experience reflux or indigestion? Have you taken any medicines at all?