View Full Version : Anyone get like a pressure feeling in their ear due to anxiety?

18-06-18, 18:46
I'm just curious. I've had this on and off building pressure feeling deep in my ear for a few weeks now. At first I kinda thought it was tied to my current oral cancer scare but now I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's my anxiety playing tricks on me again. I saw in the symptoms section of this website that people with anxiety can sometimes have inner ear issues.

If anybody gets this please let me know. I'd love to hear some stories. I was using ear wax drops pretty heavily before this started and kinda thought maybe that's probably the reason i'm getting this sensation.

18-06-18, 19:12
YES. Really stressed me out. I found that taking decongestants has helped with it, and I also noticed that it's probably allergy related for me. Further, I am on airplanes a lot for work travel, so I just have to be mindful of that. It kind of comes and goes for me.

19-06-18, 10:04
Yes, and shooting ear pains and sinus pressure. Have been checked out by an ent. Anxiety all the way.

19-06-18, 10:32
Hello everyone .
Yes I also tend to get pressure in ears that comes & goes. Have read that it’s quite common in Anxiety ��. I wouldn’t put anything in them as that might cause more sensations. Hope it passes soon x

21-06-18, 18:35
Thanks for the responses everyone. I went to an ENT recently and she explained that I perhaps have Eustachian tube dysfunction. I've had it for weeks now though, just sucks. Constantly feel like a dull pressure in my ear that kinda comes and goes. Blah.

I think some of it very well could be linked to anxiety though.