View Full Version : Scared of neck pain/cancer correlation...

Worried 24/7
18-06-18, 19:42
I haven't been on here in forever...thought I had beaten my health anxiety. I think this may be spawning from another stress in my life. Creating a tangible problem...but anyway. I have painin my neck when I look up and side to side.kind of at the base of my head. It feels tender to press on either side where my spine sort of meets my head. I am terrified I have cancer that has metastasized and spread to my spine. I cant get past it. I have a new doctor and my appt isnt until mid july. I'm scared of waiting that long to be seen about it. I need some support, opinions, advice etc...

18-06-18, 19:56
I haven't been on here in forever...thought I had beaten my health anxiety. I think this may be spawning from another stress in my life. Creating a tangible problem...but anyway. I have painin my neck when I look up and side to side.kind of at the base of my head. It feels tender to press on either side where my spine sort of meets my head. I am terrified I have cancer that has metastasized and spread to my spine. I cant get past it. I have a new doctor and my appt isnt until mid july. I'm scared of waiting that long to be seen about it. I need some support, opinions, advice etc...

I find the quote in your signature quite applicable to your thread. Neck pain=cancer??? That’s quite a leap.

Worried 24/7
18-06-18, 20:00
Yes I'm aware...but we're all here because we take drastic leaps from a symptom to an illogical answer. Lol I'm aware i sound insane. I just cant shake the fear.

18-06-18, 20:04
I have neck pain and it is because of my posture - which is bad. I never even considered cancer though.

Take some paracetamol and put a hot water bottle on it and see what happens.

Worried 24/7
18-06-18, 20:21
I have bad posture. And I cut hair all day and I tend to lean over, neck cocked all goofy instead of pumping the chair up...I have considered that as a more logical answer

18-06-18, 21:55
Well there you go then - bad posture as I predicted

19-06-18, 08:52
This is a really silly worry! I’m laughing mainly because I’ve had the exact same thing myself. Stiff neck...... cancer! The absurdity of the anxiety brain. It really is just like the quote in your signature!
Don’t worry - it’s not cancer.

Worried 24/7
19-06-18, 15:37
I appreciate all the responses. Helps me feel a little more sane

23-06-18, 23:11
It’s most likely musculature in nature. Much of the population anymore suffer from neck and shoulder pain due to poor posture. In our technological world we are always at our computer or looking down at our phone, messes with your neck for sure. Try a rolled pillow behind the neck and stretching frequently.

Worried 24/7
24-06-18, 05:28
Thank you for your input. Going on three weeks and still hurts...trying so hard not to be scared but it feels impossible to stay calm

24-06-18, 07:06
Couple of years ago I had on and off neck pains for a year or so. Turned out they were due to bad posture when sleeping. Bought a pillow with memory foam (they "remember" best posture when you are lying in bed and adjust to it) and after couple of weeks pains subsided and stopped altogether.

I recommend trying that.