View Full Version : Mole underneath toenail - cancer?

27-07-07, 13:11
Hi everyone, It has been so long since I last visitied/posted the site as I thought I was doing really well......I had my little boy in March and I coped better than I thought I would which really surprised me, and have moved into new house so have been really busy!.
Anyway about the mole underneath my toenail... It is on the toe next to the big toe and it has been there for ages, probably about a year. I thought at first it was a blood blister and that perhaps I had stubbed the toe at some point, never really thought anymore about it really, it was there and that was that, but then I was reading somewhere about skin cancer ( as I have quite a few moles all over my body) and it said about underneath toenails is a common place for malignant melanomas to occur which then led me to take another (closer) look at the 'blood blister'....which actually looks more like a mole. I went to see the GP staight away and she has referred me to a dermatology clinic at the local hospital as an urgent refferal (apparantly all these sort of things have to be) but now I am in a complete state and I feel physically sick all the time, I feel this impending doom all day every day, I am thinking I have cancer and that it has spread throughout my body (that would then explain all the dizziness and tiredness I have been having for ages). I just don't know what to do with myself, my appointment is not until the 6th August. This really is not good either as I should be focussing on my little boy. Anyone got any advice or anything...please? :weep:

Angie x

27-07-07, 13:48
Hi Angie,

What I know is that when I am suffering anxiety, I become tired and dizzy, I put this down to whatever illness I think I have at the time, I am sure your tiredness and dizziness are down to you worrying and being exhaused.

having your son could make our anxiety worse, I know mine got a million times worse since having my son as I worry I will die and not watch him grow up, I have been convinced on a number of times I was dying of something or another spent weeks/months worrying for it all to turn out ok.

I am sure you will be fine, its probably just a precaution, I had a quick referal to see a nautrologist convined it was the worse and it turned out to be neck strain. lol

Its easy to say don't worry as I know when your feeling like you do, its not something you can help, hope it all goes well for you.:hugs:

27-07-07, 14:47
Thanks for your reply Mev. I just can't help but think...what if this time! I just think the dizziness and tiredness has gone on so long that it really is something terrible happening to me. You are right though in saying that since I have had my little one I just am so scared that something is going to happen to me and I wont be here for him. Its just even scarier though when I actually have a physical thing I can see that shouldnt be there!

Angie x

31-07-07, 15:58
The fact that only 1 person has replied but a few have read is quite worrying as it makes me think that it is really bad! Does no-one have any thoughts about this....... I am terrified what the dermatologist is going to say! I have had moles removed before but I have never had to go to a dermatologist before hand.:weep:

Angie x

31-07-07, 19:47

Welcome back !

The forum is extremely busy nowadays - I come home to about 100 posts a day so people sometimes selectively reply to threads that they can relate to or can advise on so it does NOT mean people aren't replying cos they think it is serious or you are dying at all.

If you have had it a year and it has got no bigger or worse then it is very unlikely to be anything sinister at all.

The doc is doing it to reassure you but I am betting all will be fine so just wait for the appointment and stop worrying. Remind yourself that you have had it a long time and it has not got any worse so why would it now?

31-07-07, 19:50
hi angie
i,m sure that it is nothing to worry about hun
perhaps they have just referred you to a dermatologist because of where the "mole" is.
i know that it is really easy for me to say don,t worry(but thats was us anxious people do!!!!!!!!)but at least your referral isn,t to far away now so you will get all your questions answered.
i think that when we have children we just do worry alot more than we used to
take care hun
you,ll be fine:hugs:
rach x x x

31-07-07, 21:20
hi sweetheart
my best friend had a mole under her big toenail too. like you she was so worried, however when the specialist took a look he said that it wasnt anything to worry about, however to be honest with you, they did remove the mole which wasnt painful. Apparently its more common to be cancerous in carribean people, she also has a mole in her eye too.

Please dont worry, all your other symptoms are cuase your panicing hunnie.

take care
luv tracie x

01-08-07, 04:13
Thats exactly how I felt with regard to the dizziness mine lasted about 8 weeks in total, and if I had not gone to see the neurologist I would still b worrying now, so please try not to worry.

Also when I started some threads I described my particular headaches, and mentioned I was worried about a brain tumour, I also had the odd reply and lots of views, so I just took it that they thought I had one too, and couldn't relate, before the forum I am used to a parents forum when you start a thread and go and make a cup of tea you come back and have 20 replied, but then again I am sure there are more parents than people like us who worry about our health. I did post on that website, but all I got was lots of don't worry you will be fine, from a lot of kind people who really didn't know how I was feeling or could try to understand. So 1 post onhere means more because they understand.

Since I have been on this forum I Have seen lots of threads where people are worried there is something wrong, and not once has itbeen serious.
I really hope your feeling better.

01-08-07, 13:15
Thanks guys so much for taking the time to reply. My appointment is coming round slowly...still seems ages away but really its less than a week now! lol
I am trying to see things a little more positively and all your comments make that easier for me to do, you're all great!
I will post once I have had the appointment and say how things go, I am soooooo hoping all will be well but you know how it is, they is always that what if creeping in!

Speak soon
Angie xx

01-08-07, 13:56
hi Angie, i'm sorry you are having a hard time at the moment. i wouldnt worry about not getting many replies, i often look at posts, and dont post anything cos i dont really think i have much to add or dont have any personal experience, and i'm sure lots of people are the same. i have never heard anything about moles under toenails, but i think Nicola is right - if it has not changed then i wouldnt have thought you have much to worry about. under your nails is skin just like the rest of your body, so i cant think of a reason why it would be more strange to have one there, than anywhere else. i'm sure they will put your mind at rest at the dermatologists.

take care

06-08-07, 15:40
Hey everyone. Just been to hospital appointment and I am a quivering mess.:weep: The doctor who examined me said that the mole is a different colour from all the others I have elsewhere on my body (I do have quite e few) and that it is in an unusual place. Now I am so worried I feel physically sick, I don't know what to do with myself, I looked at the notes that were made before I gave them back to the receptionist and at the top of the sheet of paper where it has instructions for next appointment (options were either non urgent, next 3 months or cancer pathway) and the doctor had circled cancer pathway. All this is really not looking good, I am so scared, all I am doing is getting upset and crying all the time! I have got another appointment for next Tuesday(14th) to go and have it all dug out, removed and then be sent off for biopsy.
I can't believe I have had this for ages and just ignored it. I was just thinking this is unbelievable. I am a hypocondriac and spend most of my days either calling the doctor or at the doctors or surfing the net with symptoms....yet the one thing that is bad I go and ignore for probably a year or more! Could'nt make it up could you!:weep:

Angie x

08-08-07, 10:54
Angie, i really feel for you, i am sorry you are having to go through all this worry. Just remember, loads of people have moles removed and checked out, it doesnt mean there is anything wrong. I know it's so horrible waiting for tests, but try to be positive (easier said than done I know), the amount of time i have spent worrying about test results that turned out to be fine, it was all just time wasted on worry. Take care, and let us know how you get on.

mag :hugs:

08-08-07, 14:56
Thanks Mag, I am trying to be positive but I really am not succeeding!
I spend most of my days feeling sick or on the toilet! (sorry if too much information but you know how anxiety makes you!)
I am worrying now that if I have left it too long before getting it seen to and that the cancer may have spread to other parts of my body, like lymphatic glands or blood! I really am terrified, I can't seem to stop myself and my thoughts spiralling out of control. I have a 20 week old son and I really can't afford to let this happen again! But all I keep telling myself is that I won't be here much longer. So morbid I know but I can't stop!

Angie x

08-08-07, 17:18
Hi Angie. I know you wanted to go today and for them to tell you everything is going to be ok, sorry that didn't happen, but they still don't know what it is, and they are just following routine testing, did you tell him how worried and anxious you are, perhaps you got an earlier appointment to put your mind at rest. At least you are being seen next week, it probabl seems like a long time away, but sure it will go fast and they will remove it and everything will be fine.

Thinking of you x

09-08-07, 09:37
Hey Angie,

Just read your post and know exactly what your going through.
My mole was on my forearm and i had it for years, it started to change, about 2/3 different colours, get itchy and even bleed needless to say i was ill with this, anyway spent the entirity of last summer worrying and driving all insane, got referred and it got removed, the waiting was agony but thankfully it came back okay.
I too had been thinking what if........... the nurse at the clinic was great and did say it is common for moles to change as we get older or during pregnancy and its not always sinister ( mind you tht was after it was taken off).........i know its hard but try not too worry until you know what your dealing with, if only i could take my own advice, i'm sure you'll be fine and you've not left it too late. When do you go in again to get it removed, and feel free to pm me if you need to chat.

Take care
shirley xx

09-08-07, 12:35
Hi Angie hun,

Im actually going through the same as you at the moment, so i can understand just how you are feeling. I am waiting for the hospital to ring for a emergency appointment as my GP as refered me due a suspiciuos looking growth on my face. I like you have had it years, but its only recently it as caused concern by changing colour, size etc. I have spoken to a nurse this morning who told me they get 100s and 100s of people coming to the hospital with moles etc and and its only a very tiny percentage of people that have problems but even then they get the right treatment with no problems.

i have been a bit paronoid myself over the last day thinking the worse, i have been out this morning to town and i couldnt stop looking at other peoples faces to see if they had moles too. and to my surprise i saw lots of people with moles and skin blemishes, seeing this actually as made me feel better knowing its quite common.

I think you have done the right thing like me getting it checked out, at least if we have them removed it will be one less thing for us to worry about.:)

Try to stay positive hun and please pm me if you need to chat.

Lots of hugs to you too:hugs: :hugs:


09-08-07, 22:09
hi sweetheart,

I can understand totally how worried you feel at the moment, but as i said in my earlier reply, my mate had exactly the same thing with her big toe. Like you she got a urgent appointment not because they think its cancer its just to out rule it darling. Take my advise and dont worry untill there is 100% reason to worry!!

take care honey

luv tracie xxx

13-08-07, 14:36
Thank you all so much. Your posts really do reassure me (for only 2 minutes..lol) but those 2 minutes are great! :hugs:
Appointment tomorrow and I have had such bad stomach pains since yesterday, I am putting them down to the stressing I am doing all day, every day! but you know how it is....other thoughts are going through my mind about the pains too...wont even go there!!!!:wacko:

I will post to let you know how it all goes!

Angie x

13-08-07, 19:14
Hi Angie

Just wanted to wish you luck for tommo, hope all goes well:hugs:


13-08-07, 20:08
hi angie
wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow:hugs:
take care hunney
you,ll be fine!!!!
rach x x x

13-08-07, 21:36
Sending you positive thoughts for tomorrow...
Good luck hun :)


14-08-07, 08:59
Good luck for today Angie, i hope everything goes well :hugs:

love anx xx

14-08-07, 17:38
awwww bless you guys.....lol:hugs:
Well......went today and had the 'mole' removed. Did'nt like it at all, had to focus extra hard on my breathing! But it has now gone and I feel better that it has!
Just the waiting game now...got to wait 3 weeks until I can go back and discuss any results....3 weeks to most people but 3 months to me!!!
So now have big old dressing on my toe and have to rest apparently....will be a test! I really can't say how much this site helps me, I am so gratful to all of you that posted. Speak soon
Angie xxx

14-08-07, 20:26
Hi Angie! Glad they removed the mole, I can't believe it takes 3 weeks to test surely if it was urgent you would get a result ASAP! so that would lead me to think that possibly it might not be to pressing and it could be an exploritive measure. Fingers crossed everything comes back ok!

14-08-07, 20:30
Hi Angie

lovely to hear all went well today.:yesyes: Im sure everything will be fine then you can put it behind you and move on hun.:hugs:


15-08-07, 21:31
Glad they removed it, and hopefully the time will pass quickly and you will have a result that can reassure.

I do like it when they say take it easy, as easy as us mums can anyone.

20-08-07, 15:16
Hi.....GREAT NEWS!!!!!!:D
The specialist registrar that first referred me to have the mole removed has just called me to say that the mole results came back benign! There is nothing to worry about, I am so relieved I just feel like a weight has been lifted from on top of me.:yesyes:
I am so lucky that it all went through so quickly, I now don't have to go back for the follow up appointment.
Having dressing changed tommorrow and then hopefully can put all this behind me.
Thanks again to everyone for halping keep me sane throughout this.:hugs:

Angie xxx

20-08-07, 17:36
:D I am soooooooo pleased for you,

love anx xx

21-08-07, 13:51
hi angie, i am really delighted to hear your news. I think you deserve a nice treat to celebrate! :hugs:

mag xxx :flowers:

21-08-07, 14:28
Hey Angie,

That's fantastic news............now out you go and have a party :emot-partyblower: it's time for celebrating :yesyes: :yesyes:


21-08-07, 20:49
:yesyes: thats fantastic, I am so pleased for you. Its re-assuring to read your thread and see how panicked you were and that everything turned out ok.

I agree you deserve a nice treat.

22-08-07, 15:37
Hi, yes Mev - I hope that this thread may help someone in future to see that things don't always turn out as terrible as you think they might. Everyone here is so supportive, thanks. A celebration sounds good too!!! Any excuse lol:D

Angie x

22-08-07, 19:14

Great news to read.

Glad it is all sorted now!

22-08-07, 19:26

What great news !:yesyes: :yesyes:

You can move on now hun, glad its all sorted:hugs:

25-08-07, 08:36
woohhoooo Excellent news :D

25-08-07, 09:37
:) :) :) Fantastic News :) :) :)