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View Full Version : taking beta blockers with 5 htp?

20-12-04, 17:51
does anyone know if it's ok to take those two together? i have been taking the 5 htp for 3 days now.
i am new to panic attacks and doc gave me a script for Paxil which i do not intend to fill. my problem is a fast heart rate and lightheadness nonstop. can't seem to get my body to calm.


20-12-04, 21:25
Hi and welcome

I am not sure about taking them - may be best to check with doc.

There are other ways, however, without meds that may suit you better.


21-12-04, 15:43
thank you. i agree, i will be looking into non-med options. this website is great. i had lavender oil on hand so i started using that yesterday. coincidentally my heart did slow down yesterday. i don't feel as lightheaded, dizzy and 'out of it' either.
so i don't think i'll get the beta blocker. it was just driving me mad to wake up and have a pounding racing heart nonstop for 4 days straight. i can't imagine that's too healthy either.
i did call my doctor and she isn't familiar with 5 htp. i called the company who made the 5 htp i was using and they said i should ask my pharmacist.
this community and website are great. so glad i found it!

22-12-04, 16:10
the light-headedness sounds like should get your blood pressure checked. Im just saying this because if its low, beta blockers might make it worse. I had low blood pressure and took beta-blockers, not a good idea. But if in doubt go to ur doctors

23-12-04, 06:11
that's a good point, razo. my doc did check it last week and went ahead a prescribed it. i go in tomorrow for my blood tests and EKG. i'll ask them then.

23-12-04, 11:36
well i hope everything turns out ok, good luck

15-01-05, 12:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">the light-headedness sounds like should get your blood pressure checked. Im just saying this because if its low, beta blockers might make it worse. I had low blood pressure and took beta-blockers, not a good idea. But if in doubt go to ur doctors

<div align="right">Originally posted by razocaine_07 - 22 December 2004 : 16:10:48</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
I get the light headedness and racing heart, but I know my blood pressure is fine as I had it checked two days ago. I think the light headedness is more likely a panic symptom but if you are worried you should get it checked out.


15-01-05, 17:05
Regarding taking Beta Blockers eith SSRI anti-,eds, I have been taking them together for about 8 months, and now due to the bloood prssure getting high the doctor has upped the beta blocker nsmely propranolol to 160mgs a day, I also take diazepam for years and am addicted to those.
The SSRI I take is Cipralex
Thought I would let you know, about taking the two pills together. I am prescribed it. Hope this helps. It does calm the heartbeat, and anxiety all best wishes from Blossom x

04-12-15, 06:36
I am having anxiety, panic attacks and fast heart beat. I didn't know what was going on. I had blood test done and they discovered that I've got over active thyroid. Anxiety, depression and fast hear beat is common sign for thyroid problems. Please check your thyroid.
Hope you feel better soon.