View Full Version : Convinced I have something wrong with my spine

19-06-18, 10:41
So I was looking through social media yesterday and someone said they had been diagnosed with "spondylitis" as I'm generally a curious person I looked it up. Now I wish I hadn't, the main symptom is back pain in the morning, and this condition usually starts in early adulthood. I'm 19 and for a while I have been waking up with an aching back, I can't even remember how long for because I thought it was normal and just because I sleep on my stomach sometimes. I read this before bed and of cause got barely any sleep because I spent the next few hours freaking out about how I'm gradually going to become more disabled. I wish I had never googled the stupid thing.

19-06-18, 10:49

We’re all guilty of googling sometimes and it’s never ever a good thing. I myself fell victim to Dr Google recently and convinced myself of some terrible disease which never came.

What I’ve found with health anxiety is that it will mimic the symptoms that you’re scared of so really don’t give them much thought. I know that’s much easier said that done but it really is your anxiety trying to trick you.

In regards to your worry, I too frequently suffer from lower back ache and I also sleep on my stomach so it’s more than likely just to do with the sleeping position 😊

19-06-18, 15:45
Hi, I put myself in a horrible cycle of health anxiety worrying about this particular condition, I even had the blood test to see if I have it which came back positive so was then given a mri, however this came back all clear and I was diagnosed with mechanical back pain due to my height (6ft 3). In regards to the condition I have learnt a lot about it from sufferers and doctors, and it is not a disabling condition, can it be painful yes, but the treatment is exercise, there are many people living full lives with this condition even if you do or were to get it.

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