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View Full Version : Does haemorrhoids cause itching?

Clydesdale Epona
19-06-18, 19:50
Just trying to figure out if I have haemorrhoids or pinworms,
It is itchy extremely but also feel some pain and irritation,
Haven't noticed any signs for pinworms yet so I'm not sure, was at my sisters wedding Saturday but other than that haven't been anyway so don't think I could of caught them off someone else, really hoping it's haemorrhoids as the thought of worms makes me so uncomfortable x

19-06-18, 20:11
yes they itch - get some cream for it - something like anusol

Clydesdale Epona
21-06-18, 20:19
Thanks! Still really worried it's threadworms, haven't seen any just get itching occasionally and no else in the household is affected yet so not sure, was tempted to buy medication for it to be safe but don't really want to take medicine if it's unnecessary

22-06-18, 08:37
Anusol will soothe the itching but you might just have some irritation and the more you itch the worse you’ll want to itch!

23-06-18, 10:03
I have super bad ones. They itchy constantly, are now skin tags, and bleed often. I think you're okay. Stress, genetics, and diet make them so much worse.