View Full Version : account delete

19-06-18, 20:10
Decided I would like my account deleting for sure.

Not coping, going to the gp tomorrow.

19-06-18, 20:17
How is that going to help you though?

Surely you need support from people on here as well?

19-06-18, 20:29
I am just going round in circles, with my health anxiety and woirries

Parents are angry at me tonight. that keep saying nothing wrong with me

I am in pain and worry about every mark

got my appointment next week but going to gp tomorrow.

19-06-18, 20:58
I am just going round in circles, with my health anxiety and woirries

Parents are angry at me tonight. that keep saying nothing wrong with me

I am in pain and worry about every mark

got my appointment next week but going to gp tomorrow. Phil honest we do want to help you, but you have many problems, and that sucks that your parents don't believe you need help they are deluded and blind to the fact their son is struggling to cope, so go and see your Gp and say you need more help with your severe HA cause tbh it's very extreme so don't leave matey :) ATB

19-06-18, 21:09
Phil, I think you need to ask the doctor for help with your HA and not ask for more tests for your physical pains. Endless tests are of no use to you and the doctor should see this and not enable your HA by ordering more blood tests or whatever. As you say, you are just going round in circles. Your mental health is what you need help and support with. Posting on here about your symptoms is also just going round in circles and not helping you in the slightest, quite the opposite. We would all like to support you manage your HA but we can't do this if you continue to post about a whole range of physical symptoms related to anxiety.

19-06-18, 21:55
I need to clear my head so may need to take a few weeks off the forum. My parents keep saying I been checked out. I just worried about symptoms. My parents don't know to cope with me, my mum broke down.

My Dad just gets on with his health, does not got over board checking himself.

19-06-18, 23:13
I need to clear my head so may need to take a few weeks off the forum. My parents keep saying I been checked out. I just worried about symptoms. My parents don't know to cope with me, my mum broke down.

My Dad just gets on with his health, does not got over board checking himself. Sure well do that rather delete your account!! well tbh you have been checked out but you do have NF and HA your dad gets on with his health why, because he hasn't got HA seriously your parents must get on board so they can support you, in the mean time while you are away from the forum try and get more support for your self NF wise like I said before there are NF support nurses all over the uk. utilize the resources given to you ok, take care ATB

26-06-18, 21:27
Had my call today, got a follow up for IAPT my Dad had a word with the person first, still doing my swimming which is great

26-06-18, 21:32
Had my call today, got a follow up for IAPT my Dad had a word with the person first, still doing my swimming which is great That's cool mate and glad you still doing your swimming to onwards and upwards keep us updated:D ATB

27-06-18, 08:08
Well done with the swimming Phil, it is a great way to exercise.

Fingers crossed that you get help through IAPT.

Keep us posted please.

27-06-18, 15:32
Thanks with only three lessons in with 8 more to go, still using form and floats (but have done it without) with only 2 or 3 others in the group it is great, we each get instructions, with it only costing £40 for 11 sessions it worth it being in one of the national competition pools

IPAT appointment mid July got a busy diary, may have to drop the other one to one sessions and it will be overkill as the group session was spoiled

27-06-18, 15:40
Sounds like you are getting there ;) How was the group session spoiled mate? I would try and keep the one 2 one sessions going and keep busy and positive :yesyes: ATB

27-06-18, 19:10
Sounds like you are getting there ;) How was the group session spoiled mate? I would try and keep the one 2 one sessions going and keep busy and positive :yesyes: ATB

We were given work booklets for wellbeing and we did some fairly worthless warm ups with juggling balls, the person doing the course could not understand what I was saying. she knows I have speech problems

I was at the same place in the morning for job search (but said I prefer to do it at home) as it was far to loud for me.

03-07-18, 16:57
My Dad is going to the IAPT appointment with me, make sure I get the help.

03-07-18, 17:08
Is he going to say how bad the HA is. This really is vital for you Phil

08-07-18, 09:31
Is he going to say how bad the HA is. This really is vital for you Phil


12-07-18, 13:24
I am going Monday to get the help (chat first) I am worried about my bits again and my teeth

12-07-18, 15:12
Concentrate on getting help for your HA Phil, that is what we are all hoping.


13-07-18, 17:47
Concentrate on getting help for your HA Phil, that is what we are all hoping.


I got a huge list of worries to talk to her about, itchy skin feeling thinking non hodkins lymphoma/Hodgkin's lymphoma and the others things I have been worried I think I have

16-07-18, 16:13
I'm being referred to the next stage, for anxiety

17-07-18, 08:12
Excellent news Phil. The anxiety and your irrational fears are what you need to focus on.

22-07-18, 17:02
Yes also worried about my hand little spot/lump which I had about 8 weeks , I think when we had a warm day I got bitten by something, feel soft like a skin tag, I have been picking at it, it has not grown the lump

22-07-18, 21:54
Irrational and stop picking lol

23-07-18, 00:21
I am moving this thread as it is not in the right forum now.

23-07-18, 08:29
Hopefully Phil will not continue to list his symptoms on this thread though?

04-08-18, 20:42
I am still waiting for the appointment I know it could be a 6-8+ week waiting list. I still keeping the group thing going, and the one to one with the place who is trying to help find employment. but have already put in a complaint about being passed onto someone else (too many places are getting involved and it hard to keep track of who doing what or what I am doing with each place, even with writing it down.

The one to one anxiety thing, not sure, there is a course but the person who does it I can't take it serious. she is married and knows how to sedated people to like her.

05-08-18, 01:40
Just want you to know you’re not alone with people being annoyed by your anxiety. I’d venture to say many people on this forum have upset someone by their anxious tendencies. Myself, I upset my husband last night by asking him to take me to urgent care. He did, but he didn’t talk to me from the moment I asked until after they completed my CT scan. I see a counselor and I still have slip ups. It happens. As long as you know you have anxiety and you keep going to get help and lean on those who can support you (the forum also) you’re doing the right thing. Chin up! Enjoy swimming!

07-08-18, 17:55
Thanks swimming went well, after a two week break, pool was being used for something else.

If I had no heard by end of August early September we will phone up the GP or the place where I been referred and try to chase it up,