View Full Version : DVT fears

19-06-18, 23:57
Can anyone help ease my mind? About two months ago I was getting calf and thigh pain, I went to the doctor and they sent me for an ultrasound at my begging. It was clear. The pain was never super bad, just enough to bother me. After a couple of weeks it went away. Then I found out I was pregnant. About 3 weeks ago i got calf pain again, but a lot worse this time. It’s not 24/7 and actually sometimes seems worse after a night of sleeping than walking on it. Although walking on it does hurt sometimes too (not always) it’s a distinct spot on the calf that really causes pain. This was also different than the first round of calf pain. Although I have no other known risk factors, I am pregnant so that concerned me. I went to the doctor again and was sent for a second ultrasound last week which was also clear but the pain continues to worsen.

At this point I’m starting to work myself up and keep thinking I’m having trouble breathing and that there’s a clot traveling to my lungs even though the ultrasound was negative. Does anyone have any similar stories or advice? It’s really worrying to me

20-06-18, 00:54
Can anyone help ease my mind? About two months ago I was getting calf and thigh pain, I went to the doctor and they sent me for an ultrasound at my begging. It was clear. The pain was never super bad, just enough to bother me. After a couple of weeks it went away. Then I found out I was pregnant. About 3 weeks ago i got calf pain again, but a lot worse this time. It’s not 24/7 and actually sometimes seems worse after a night of sleeping than walking on it. Although walking on it does hurt sometimes too (not always) it’s a distinct spot on the calf that really causes pain. This was also different than the first round of calf pain. Although I have no other known risk factors, I am pregnant so that concerned me. I went to the doctor again and was sent for a second ultrasound last week which was also clear but the pain continues to worsen.

At this point I’m starting to work myself up and keep thinking I’m having trouble breathing and that there’s a clot traveling to my lungs even though the ultrasound was negative. Does anyone have any similar stories or advice? It’s really worrying to me

See about getting some compression hose. I have a clotting disorder, and I can tell you if you had a clot you would know it. Your leg would be red and swollen and you would not be able to walk.

20-06-18, 01:39
Thank you! I know, I try and tell myself the pain would be worse by now, but then I hear of people who had no symptoms at all. I just can’t understand what the pain could be coming from as I haven’t been very active and have no injury.