View Full Version : HA about stomach/liver/pancreatic cancers

20-06-18, 13:51
I have never posted in anything before but my HA is out of control and so I thought worth a post!
I have had HA for a long time, since losing my mum to cancer when I was young, but im spiralling.
For the last many years I have been pregnant and then breastfeeding, during this time, surprisingly, I have been quite calm as I could put aches and pains down to pregnancy etc, but now I’ve finished I am on high alert.
I was ill 4 months back and it really shook me. It ended up being viral but I had lots of tests including head ct and MRI and chest X-ray, lumbar puncture and lots of bloods - all fine, and after about 3 weeks I recovered.
I am now feeling ill again. I have had yellow loose smelly stools for over three weeks and pain that started in my mid abdomen and now is in my left side near the bottom of my ribs (sometimes mid rib). I feel very tired and a bit ‘odd’
I don’t get pain after eating and the pain is worse when moving (not relieved by bending forwards) I saw my doc yesterday who said my examination was fine and urine was fine, I have handed in a stool sample. As I have endometriosis which is getting worse and adenomyosis the doctor immediately said it would be to do with that and was dismissive of these symptoms I have never had before.
I now also have pain in my shoulder and arm (I have had the shoulder pain before from carrying toddlers) and a slight cough, I also seem to have very hot itchy feet at night, and a general itchy feeling - but I’m really not sure if I’m imagining it.
I have lost the plot and my google diagnosis swings from pancreatic cancer to bowel or liver, with it having spread to the bones in my arm and lungs.
I’m writing this and i wonder if I sound crazy

Thank you for reading my post, and help or advise much appreciated!

20-06-18, 14:15
I can totally relate. Also finished having a long string of babies (4!), although come to think of it my anxiety was especially bad when pregnant!
You are highly unlikely to have pancreatic cancer, I’m sure you know that. You have a bend in your colon on the upper left side called the splenic flexure, where gas is often trapped causing discomfort. The reason I know this is I’ve also suffered your symptoms (and drawn your conclusions!!). I think your setback is probably caused by your viral illness leading to hyer vigilance (that must have been terrifying btw, no wonder you are on hyper alert!)
Love Jojo

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:14 ----------

Ps thinking about itching begets itching!!!

20-06-18, 14:23
Thank you so much for replying, I was worried no one would (see, a born worrier!)
I didn’t know that such a body part existed - maybe because it doesn’t have some awful cancers associated with it.

Would that explain the loose yellow stools as well?

I think I’m also worrying it’s a reproductive system issue like ovarian cancer as I am having lots of problems in that department.
I’m seeing a specialist tomorrow for that so I will mention it all.

It’s just new symptoms that throw me so much.

Congrats on your 4, I have 5! So a decade of pregnancy and breastfeeding - during which time I worried constantly about the babies but forgot to worry about myself!

20-06-18, 14:33
5!! crikey! I’m actually slightly jealous - is that weird?! How old are they?
Loose yellow stools. Yep had - and worried about - those too.
Yellow is usually a sign of fast transit (caused by anxiety). They can also be down to the types of foods you eat. My daughter eats mostly white processed carbs (I know, I really do try to stop her!), and her poos are a dreadful colour.... pale pale yellow. Also the type of intestinal bacteria you have can have an effect too.....

20-06-18, 14:43
It’s just when symptoms change dramatically that it freaks me out.

Mine are 10,8,5,4,2 !

A couple of my children have eating habits that Annabelle karmel would be a bit shocked at, but forcing them to eat things they don’t want to might cause me/them more problems down the line, so I try to be patient (ish!!!)

I wonder if the consultant tomorrow might scan etc, that could put my mind at rest a bit - or confirm my worst paranoia (must stop googling now)
I will mention all my issues to him and let him decide what’s his department!

How old are your lot?

20-06-18, 14:46
Roughly the same as yours without the 2 year old. I’d love a 2 year old!!
Your worst fears won’t be confirmed! But I dare say the consultant will scan you - they usually do. Did the GP refer you?

20-06-18, 15:25
Yes the gp refered me but I was expecting it as I was supposed to be having a laparoscopy to investigate (again) before I fell pregnant!
Ideally the consultant wants to do a hysterectomy, but I’m just not sure.

I do love having my 2 year old, she is such a sweetie but no more!

20-06-18, 18:16
I could have written your post - without the terrible virus thing (that sounded awful!).

I have 2 kids and due to a long time breastfeeding and time between pregnancies have also spent almost a decade either pregnant or breastfeeding. So I know from experience how draining it is on your body and mind!

Like you, I also spent most of my pregnancies fairly anxiety free, although it would hit again postpartum.

I'm currently super anxious about stomach/pancreatic cancers because of pains I've had in my upper abdomen and my stools have been off for a few months now. Both of those symptoms are not constant, but enough to make me wonder if something is going on.

I went to the gastro last week and he asked the requisite questions along with one about family history of stomach cancer and I nearly fell off my chair (not that he was suspecting that, but it scared me to have it mentioned). He sent me away with the FODMAP diet, a follow up in a month, and a script for an abdominal ultrasound.

I was hoping he would just tell me it's all anxiety or maybe IBS but of course that's not what doctors do - they have to check things out so don't be surprised if you do get a scan and maybe some blood work. On my good days I can almost talk myself into cancelling my appointments and moving on with my life but when the pains come on or my stomach is off I start thinking about the worst again. :(

Hubby thinks I'm nuts. Kids have no idea about my state of mind.

So - like you I don't think anything super bad is REALLY going on, but I do have questions about what is going on with my body at the moment and I guess I have to subject myself to an examination first to figure it out.

20-06-18, 20:08
Hello, thank you for taking the time to reply.

My sister followed a FODMAP diet for IBS with really good results so fingers crossed that might be helpful.
When’s your scan?

My appointment tomorrow is gynae but the doctor I saw yesterday said that all my issues were because of that, so I’m going to mention it all (he may think I’m crazy!)

I have felt better this afternoon I think since posting, amazing what sharing anxiety can do. I don’t dare voice this in real life so it’s been such a relief

20-06-18, 22:26
Hello last year I had gastro symptoms like yours. I had a lot of pain and was referred for an urgent CT scan of abdomen and a gastroscopy due to family GI cancer history. The verdict was mild gastritis (It didn't feel mild!). I think the symptoms were made worse by my extreme anxiety

20-06-18, 22:34
Thank you for that, I’m glad you are ok.

I hope the gynae consultant might be able to shed some light tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see how my bowels are tomorrow as I feel so much calmer for sharing


21-06-18, 06:21
Thank you for that, I’m glad you are ok.

I hope the gynae consultant might be able to shed some light tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see how my bowels are tomorrow as I feel so much calmer for sharing


Good luck and let us know how you get on!