View Full Version : Abdomen ultrasound

20-06-18, 15:45
hi, i came back from ultrasound of abdomen, only as prevention. i am 38 yrs, healthy. everything is fine, normal. but if i compare the 2yrs old report from the same department, there are some differences in measurement/size. some milimetres. is it normal?

20-06-18, 15:55
So, if the difference is in millimeters, unless it is in the 10s or 20s, the difference is virtually meaningless - remember that measurements are taken by a human operator designating margins, it could be VERY easy to be slightly different from the last measurement (not to mention hosts of other factors that can effect minuscule size like that, such as hydration and body fat).

Now, if it is centimeters different, it may still be ok; it will depend on how big the change, and to what organ.

The key is - if they didn't note anything abnormal, then don't' worry at all about the numbers, and chalk it up to normal variation.

20-06-18, 15:58
for example one size of one organ was 114mm, now 108mm...

20-06-18, 16:07
I wouldn't worry about that for two reasons -
1) Most organ problems are when the organ has enlarged (spleen, liver, kidney, etc), or the organ has drastically shrunk below "normal" size.

2) 6mm is easily within a margin of error between different technicians (or even the same one on different days). And again, hydration levels and body fat levels can effect the measured size as well. You are looking at ~5% difference; i cannot fathom this being a problem

But most importantly, again, is if the technician and doctor noted no abnormalities... thats what matters.

20-06-18, 16:10
tnaks.the doctor said everything is perfectly ok :-)

20-06-18, 16:15
tnaks.the doctor said everything is perfectly ok :-)

So why even ask if it was normal here? :shrug:

Positive thoughts