View Full Version : trying to deal with my thoughts

27-07-07, 21:52
Hi i have not posted in a while, i've said here before that my anxiety comes and goes in cycles but when it arrives boy does it hit hard.
right now i am going through a very tough period probably my worst ever, i seem to be struggling to cope with anything work, home family, etc. Any slight negative aspect of my life becomes a totally massive issue to deal with, it feels like things are getting stuck in my brain and it takes an enormous amout of effort just to try and process these thoughts to a satisfactory conclusion and these are just thoughts that someone else would deal with in an instant, yet with me it's taking all my efforts, when i clear one bad thought another seems to pop in it's like a vicious circle and my mind seems to want to find trouble for me rather than help me away from it, just wandered if anyone has any advice.
Thanx guys!http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon9.gif

28-07-07, 01:11
Hi dave!

So, you suffer with 'hamster in a wheel' syndrome too? It's the pits isn't it?

I must do miles sometimes when my thoughts are just going around and around.

This is going to sound easy - but it most certainly isn't. I wouldn't dream of saying there is an easy way around this. But, there is a way - well it worked for me anyhooo!

I try to countermand every negative thought with an equally positive one. Then, I imagine the positive thought growing in size while the negative thought decreases......until i can barely see it.

I also assign colours to my thoughts.....obviously grey and black are dark, negative thoughts - the positive ones are yellow, gold, silver and white. Notice there are more colurs for positive than negative - that's deliberate. Right away you establish an abundance of positives above negatives. And then it can be just like the sun coming out on a dismal day.

Are you still awake? Sorry if I'm not making much sense here!

Gradually, as you 'train your brain' so to speak to think of a positive thought every time you have a negative one, you will come to realise that you're thinking more positive than negative. Oh there will still be negatives, but they will now be in their proper place - under the heading of 'acceptible concerns' rather than 'overriding worries' and you will cope with them accordingly.

I apologise if I haven't explained it too well - you may have to PM me for a translation lol !!

But I hope you got the jist of what I'm trying to say.

Take care now, hope things improve for you soon.


28-07-07, 09:12
Thanks for the pm dave ...

..glad to be of help, and that I didn't need to translate lol !!

Hope it works ! :)

Take care
