View Full Version : Blood due to bowel movements....

20-06-18, 21:06
I've had this problem for a long time, it started when I was about 17 and got diagnosed with piles from a physical examination. I got cream and everything went back to normal for a few years.

But for a long, long time now, a couple of years at least...I get blood with near enough every bowel movement. My stools are often hard (sorry!) and it's uncomfortable to pass them. It's worse when this happens, not so much when it's normal.

The blood is bright red and on the paper and seems seperate from the stools. It is worse on the first wipe. I went to the doctor but wasn't fully honest with her because I'm so scared of a endoscopy (up the behind!) I've had one down the throat and that was bad enough!!

But now I'm worried I've got bowel or colon cancer...or something seriously wrong. I'm out of my mind...

20-06-18, 21:12
I’m assuming from your username you’re 30/31??? If so, 14 years on, you’d be in big trouble if it was something serious. Everything you describe points exactly to hemorrhoids.

20-06-18, 22:59
piles and/or a fissure from trying to hard to go

21-06-18, 17:21
Thank you. I'll try and mention it to the doctor next time I see her.