View Full Version : Brown patch on my knuckle... trying not to Google skin cancer!

20-06-18, 21:46
I noticed this brown patch about 1-2 months ago. At first I saw it but didn't really think much about it. When I noticed that it wasn't going away, I began to worry a bit. Now I'm feeling quite worried about it and really trying not to Google it because I know that will probably end in me having a panic attack about skin cancer
I don't know if I should see the doctor about it or not. Feeling scared.

20-06-18, 22:11
From about the time I was 20, I’ve been getting what I call sun spots. They are largish kind of freckles. My dermatologist says they are the result of too much time in the sun. Some of them look like a cluster of freckles. You could also have a new mole growing. I’m 57 and I had a new mole grow two years ago. It was pretty big.

I am at high risk for melanoma and have regular skin checkups. My doc says not to worry unless the spot is nodular, blackish, and growing fast, or is bigger than 6mm.

I hope that helps.

20-06-18, 22:30
Thanks cptdebbie for taking the time to respond.

It doesn't really look like a mole or freckle. It's about the size of a dime and looks almost like an old age patch (but I'm only 31). I don't remember it being smaller and growing. When I first noticed it, it was this size.

My sister thinks it may be related to my hand eczema.

Why does my mind always conclude cancer??

21-06-18, 00:02
That is what my “sun spots” look like. I always go to cancer too. It’s this nasty health anxiety stuff. It totally sucks.

I also get hyperpigmentation spots. You can safely google that. Mine are usually purplish, but I think it’s more common for them to be brownish. Strangely, I don’t ever remember what happened to cause my hyperpigmentation spots. My doc is a top research dermatologist at our local cancer hospital, though, so I trust him when he tells me that is what a spot is. I think eczema can cause hyperpigmentation. So, that is another possibility for what is on your knuckle.

I actually know lots of people who’ve had melanoma and not one of them has died from it. Most kinds are easily cured if caught early. I still freak out, though, every time I do my monthly skin check and when I go in to see my doctor. Sigh! That’s just how my anxiety works.

My doc usually tells me to watch a for a while and see if it changes. I often take a picture. Then I check on my spot when I do my monthly skin check. Unless your spot is raised and/or growing, I think you are fine to just watch it. It may grow and still be benign, but if it starts looking funky, I’d definitely show it to your doc.

Best Wishes :)