View Full Version : Pain behind above and behind left eye for nearly 4 days....

21-06-18, 17:20
I'm really freaking out :weep: Sunday evening I had a severe panic attack over having a conflict with a family member. I got that worked up that I was just exhausted, so I ended up falling asleep with my contact lenses in. Around 11pm, at 3am, I woke up in a panic because I realised I'd slept with my contacts in, I NEVER do this and am always aware of contact lense care because I worry about my eyes.

Got the right one out easily but the left one felt glued to my eye and I couldn't get it out, tried all kinds of ways and was a bit rough with myself due to the panic. Eventually it came out and I went back to sleep. The next day my eye was red and sore and I just wore my glasses, but then the pain started, it's above my eyebrow and behind the eye. It's been shooting across my head as well at times and I have felt sick and dizzy and frightened. I hoped it would just go away but it hasn't. Even though the redness has gone. It gets worse on an evening.

I haven't been sleeping and I'm worried I've damaged my eye and I'm going to go blind or it's a coincidence and it's a brain bleed or tumour:weep: I keep crying and having panic attacks because I feel like I am going to drop dead at any moment. I'm even scared to move and am staying in my bed, I can't eat for feeling sick. I don't know if symptoms like that are my eye/head or just the anxiety.

I've rung the doctors and they said I'd have to see the optician. So I rang them and they could only see me on Monday. I just keep feeling like I could be dead by Monday. :weep:

Can anyone help? I haven't got anyone else to talk to. :weep:

21-06-18, 18:11
Hi Sal

That doesn't sound nice :( it's normal to be so conscious of our eyes, they're important! While obviously I'm not a medical professional, it could be down to some irritation, related to the contact lense or maybe it's completely unrelated! I sometimes have a pain in the back of my eyes and then get a headache with pains in the temples and in the front of my head.

Do you have allergies or hayfever? Because the past few weeks they have been bad for me and have been causing me these types of headaches, so maybe it's that?

I know it's easier said than done for us HA sufferers but try not to focus on the pain and Monday isn't all that far away! Let us know how it goes :-)

21-06-18, 21:01
Thank you so much for replying and for taking the time to reassure me. I still feel awful but I'm just trying to watch TV and take my mind off it. Monday seems like eons away. My local urgent care centre is awful and the staff are rude to don't really want to go there....and current waiting time at the A&E is an ungodly time...can't face it.

Just trying not be aware of the pain, but I feel sick and dizzy....
I just wish it would all go away, every symptom, every illness and I'm a mess...can't cope anymore...

22-06-18, 17:52
Hi there! No medical professional either, but I also wear contacts and have the same pain that comes and goes with my right eye. Feels like my eyebrow and my eye socket...just a dull ache.

For me it took me a long time to realize it actually seemed to be related to neck issues. I have a lot of tension and trigger points that build up in my neck, shoulders and back, and find that if I address those (with warm compresses and a massaging tool) the eye pain starts to dissipate.

This happens to me, too, if ever I have something in my contact or its irritating me that day, or the contact is old.

Maybe you are dehydrated as well! Best of luck, keep us posted and I know exactly what you are going through, hang in there.

23-06-18, 18:33
As you can see (see link for picture)


the situation has got worse. I'm going to A&E first thing. The eye is now twice the size of the other one and the eyelid is swollen and red. It's painful and I'm now having floaters. I dread to think what's going to happen to me.

23-06-18, 19:06
Hi Floaters are normal so don't worry. Couldn't see anything in the pic like redness I would be interested in what A&E say but would say it's not a emergency as such your Gp could deal with this ATB

23-06-18, 19:09
Thank you. It doesn't show well on the pics but my eyelid has swollen and become red. The eye also looks bigger than normal. I'm going to go to urgent care in the morning just to be on the safe side. I'll update when I get back.

23-06-18, 19:24
Thank you. It doesn't show well on the pics but my eyelid has swollen and become red. The eye also looks bigger than normal. I'm going to go to urgent care in the morning just to be on the safe side. I'll update when I get back. When you say your eye looks bigger than normal do you mean the iris it's self or the whole eye ball? ATB

23-06-18, 19:27
It's the whole eyeball. Also when I shut my eyes and feel both eye surface's through the closed eyelids, my left eye feels soft and small and 'squishy' but my 'bad right' one feels like a marble under the eyelid. Hard and bigger. It definitely feels off and I'm extremely concerned.

23-06-18, 19:33
It's the whole eyeball. Also when I shut my eyes and feel both eye surface's through the closed eyelids, my left eye feels soft and small and 'squishy' but my 'bad right' one feels like a marble under the eyelid. Hard and bigger. It definitely feels off and I'm extremely concerned. You haven't been poking it or rubbing it by any chance? It could just be a speck of dust or a tiny insect that's flown in your eye. I doubt it's anything serious, but you are right to get it checked let us know what they say you will be fine. ATB

23-06-18, 19:43
Well, as I mentioned previously, I fell asleep in my contact lenses and had difficulty getting the lens out of the now bad eye when I awoke :( It was only for a few hours but I'm mad at myself as I'm normally so careful :( I think I may have scratched my eye trying to get it out as I have long nails at the moment :( I'm worried I've damaged my cornea and I'm going to go blind or need an operation. :(

23-06-18, 19:54
Well, as I mentioned previously, I fell asleep in my contact lenses and had difficulty getting the lens out of the now bad eye when I awoke :( It was only for a few hours but I'm mad at myself as I'm normally so careful :( I think I may have scratched my eye trying to get it out as I have long nails at the moment :( I'm worried I've damaged my cornea and I'm going to go blind or need an operation. :( You wont go blind but after trying to get the contact lens out, you will need it looked at for sure just incase you need eye drops perhaps go to your local pharmacy they are pretty good at dealing with small problems. ATB

23-06-18, 20:16
Thank you, I hope you're right xxx

23-06-18, 20:21
I scratched cornea of eye once - it feels like a needle in your eye and is very painful. You would definitely know about it.

You might have a mild infection or irritation, so speaking to a pharmacist is good advice.

23-06-18, 21:16
It is very painful at the moment, but it's like a horrible dull ache. :(

23-06-18, 23:21
It is very painful at the moment, but it's like a horrible dull ache. :(

Not a scratched cornea then. It would be a sharp pain, similar to getting an eyelash or grit in your eye.

I really don't think it's anything to worry about.

24-06-18, 17:21
Hey. Just an update. Just got back from urgent care after a 5 hour wait.

I've got some scratches on the outer layer of my eyeball...and it's caused an infection. Vision, BP, Temp...were all fine.
Got given Chloramphenicol eye ointment and told to trim my nails and keep my contacts out for a few weeks.

Feel shite, still bloody sore...but feel better now it's been checked.

Thanks to everyone who offered support.