View Full Version : Vertigo????

28-07-07, 08:46

Sorry to post yet again, but the symptoms I have had lately seem to just linger on and on. The mild dizziness and what feel like tension headaches are also accompanied by an occasional ringing in my ears. I was speaking to my Mum (who is worried that I'm about to relapse into a full blown HA episode) and she suggested that it could be vertigo, something that she and other members of my family suffer from. But, I was hoping for some words of reassurance.........

Can anxiety bring on vertigo?

Even though I dont feel crippled by anxiety 24 hours a day, can it be subconcious? If so could this explain the physical symptoms coming on when I dont feel as stressed as I do at other times of the day?

The other thing that was discussed was that I was diagnosed years ago with a twist in the vertibraes in my neck. This has meant that the muscles on the left side of my neck have been sort of pushed round by the displaced vertibrae. I was wondering, if neck muscle tension brought on by anxiety could also contribute to dizziness, headaches etc?????

Sorry to go on but I'm reall beginning to freak myself out...........


28-07-07, 09:57
Hi Dan, You sound like me at the moment, my dizziness is getting really acute.
My doctor has reffered me to a Audioligist because I feel so off balance to check my ears (she notised fluid behind the ear drum).

Also funny you mention about neck problems because I was born with 3 discs missing from my upper back/neck and my vertabreas are fused together, and only this week I read a magazine article saying that neck problems CAN cause blurred vision and dizziness. I have kept the article to show my gp, you can get the magazine still, its in this JULY issue of "MY WEEKLY".
Also forgot to mention my gp has now diagnosed me with vertigo cos I told her how I look up at the clock and feel like I am falling backwards fast and the floor shifts very fast to the left when I am out.
I am deteremined to get to the bottom of it all cos like you I am dizzy even when relaxed ?

28-07-07, 11:06
thanks mirry,

I'm also terrified that (and I know that this might sound crazy) because the chairoprachter said there was a twisted vertibrae, I might end up paralised or something. He said that it was just a run of the mill defect but I keep thinking what if????

30-07-07, 18:32
Dan ,lol. Yep I know what u you mean :ohmy: .

Id like to get hold of my anxiety and lock it in a chest, and then break the key and throw it in the sea :yesyes: .

Today went shopping and OMG felt so dizzy , I get so scared its like I cant take another step.

This is my dizzy face :wacko: .

30-07-07, 21:22

My dizziness is really freaking me out. Admitedly it seems to be easing (only a little) but it really scares me when it comes out of the blue. Its not like massively swaying, it just feels like I'm lightheaded and woozy.

Plus, the past few weeks, I've had noticable tinnitus or ringing in my ears when I am laying in bed. Its like I've been listening to loud music and then suddenly stopped; weirdly (and sorry about this), if I give my ears a bit of a rub, the wax seems to be a bit........sticky, perhaps that might have something to do with it?

I just really, really, really wish that there were some reassuring words that I could latch onto that would help me believe that these feelings are not the symptoms of a brain tumour etc.....:weep: :weep:

30-07-07, 22:11
I suffer from vertigo, started with a burst ear drum & also a neck problem after a whiplash injury. I was sent for an MRI scan & put on tablets to bring it under control again but then had to come off the tablets after 3 months because of them being addictive & also was told I needed to get 'use' to the condition! Easier said than done! The dizzy spells and ringing/buzzing in my ears scared the life out of me to start with.

I found out that I could get some physiotherapy for the vertigo & was also told that stress and anxiety can bring on vertigo. Since I found that out, I seem to be able to control my panic alittle better now when I feel an attack coming on & I Don't push myself that day either, I try to just 'go with it'.

I really hope this helps & that you feel better soon, its a very scary & horrible feeling! Take care Sara

31-07-07, 08:16
Interesting, I get the buzzing in my left ear , only at night time when every thing is silent, ive had this for 4 years now.

The other day I had lots and lots of watery fluid coming out of my left ear, I had to keep using tissue, this was after lots of ear pain and I did wonder if my ear drum had burst ? But then I decided i would be in alot of pain if it had ???

My sister has told me to carry a brown paper bag with me to breath into for for the vertigo, so I am giving it a go today (have to go to work).

Its been just over 3 weeks and im still awaiting my audiologist letter.

31-07-07, 17:06
Hi Mirry, when my ear drum burst, it actually was bleeding. I got a watery fluid coming out of my right ear and have had this ever since my ear drum burst. I always get this after I have ear ache or a cold and was told by the consultant that this was normal as it was a release of the pressure. Also getting this alot at the moment because of the hayfever, which seems particularly worse this year in fact!

I carry a brown paper bag and found that a couple of drops of lavender oil helps too.

I hope you get your letter soon and get sorted.

Sara x

31-07-07, 17:57
took dog for a walk with my family today in alovely country setting, and still had vertigo, absolutely fed up with it all, feel like im constantly drunk.
I know its not anxiety all the time, just want a diagnosis.

31-07-07, 18:40
I really symphaise with you. It took ages before I was actually diagnosed with vertigo & I felt like I was goind mad!! Nobody seemed to understand and in the end I was phoning for cancellations to see somebody. When I actually did get to see the consultant it was a huge relief, somebody actually understood all the symptoms, spinning room, buzzing in ears, difficulty walking & I was always bumping into things.

I was also told to drink decaf tea/coffee, less salt & to try & put ginger in my diet as it helps the circulation. I do feel like I have it more under control now than it controlling me!

Sara x

01-08-07, 08:55
Sarah, I my gp gave me a test where I had to lay down on her bed and turn my head 45 degrees, and it made me dizzy :wacko: .
So she diagnossed me with vertigo there and then :ohmy: but she explained its usually because of the inner ear so I need to see a audiologist .
Just like You I bump into thing easily, last week my hubby took me on a picnic and I nearly fell in the stream ,lol.
We sat down next to it to eat our sandwiches and I stumbled and landed on my bottom ,lol. Also I keep bumping into door frames alot, its like I misjudge them.
I didnt know ginger helps? I had some last night in my stir fry :yesyes: .

01-08-07, 11:04
Hi Mirry, I had the same diagnosis when I visited my GP, its just the waiting to see the audiologist, I found that my vertigo got worse while waiting, but as my audiologist told me, stress and anxiety will make the vertigo worse.

I'm exactly the same as you, always bumping into the door frames at home, I got bruises on my upper arms, like you say, its as if i misjudge them.

I changed to decaf, put ginger in everything and also avoid chocolate (well, as much as I can lol!)

I do try & laugh about it now too & if I'm having a particularly 'wobbly' day I just let my hubby no and he's a great support

Sara x

01-08-07, 20:07
I took some benadryl today for my hayfever and it seemed to help my dizziness a bit, dont know if it was my imagination but I have read it can help vertigo in some people. I will try it again tomorrow.