View Full Version : Lumpy/bumpy shins?

21-06-18, 22:38
Hiya, my HA has gotten the best of me today. My job required a lot of sunscreen since I’m out in the heat, I was putting it on my shin area and noticed some large lumps which freaked me out of course.

I have heard since your tibia is so close to your skin and not surrounded by fat or muscle it is normal to feel lumps and bumps like these, but my left shin seems to have bigger feeling ones than my right? It’s only when I run my fingers along the inside of my shin I feel them, they aren’t visible on the outside of my body.

Does everyone have lumpy/bumpy shins or should I be concerned at all? I was running and stomped too hard on the ground and had pain for a few days in the left shin area I’m feeling the lumps, but that was months ago.

I appretate any imput, thanks. (I have a fear of sarcoma)

22-06-18, 05:04
I went through this fear just a few months ago. I was doing this "be nice to myself" routine and started to rub lotion over my arms. Oh my gosh!! There were lumps on my bones. Of course I freaked out, just as any self-respecting hypochondriac would. Naturally I then checked my legs. Yep! Bumps on those shins. Thank heavens my husband was at home. He calmed me down and showed me all the lumps on his arms and legs.

I had an almost cancerous breast lump removed a few years ago and see an oncologist regularly to keep tabs on things. I once told her that I kept seeing people with prominent collar bones that look completely smooth. I was worried about that because my collar bones have lumps on them. She told me that almost everyone gets lumps on their bones as they get older. It is just a natural part of life. We bump into things, etc., and lumps grow. Sometimes the lumps go away. Sometimes they don't.

I remembered this conversation after my husband calmed me down a few months ago. :yesyes:

I think you are fine. I doubt many of the bumps we get in life are of equal force on both sides of our body. Also, I actually have a young friend who had Ewing's sarcoma. Her first symptom was severe pain. I mean crying, screaming, needing to go to the hospital, searing pain. I don't even think she had a lump.

Hang in there. Breathe deep and tell Mr. Health Anxiety you appreciate his concern for your body but you are going to live life. You got this!! :bighug1: