View Full Version : Spiraling and need help

22-06-18, 00:50
My elderly dad just finished having three back surgeries in a row and he son a lot of pain. I have been a mess. Crying everyday, shaking like a leave and fearing the worst. I have been using my clonazapam which helps at Rome’s however it doesn’t cure all my symptoms. I need to get it together for my dad. How can I calm down my nervous system after it being revved up for days,

Also I wake up trembling everyday. I’m worried this is a sign of diabetes or high or low blood sugar. Could this all be anxiety related? It’s been going on for over a month now.

I am also due to have my period next week and I wonder if that’s adding to all of this.
Please help me figure this out. How can I relax and think positive. My stomachs is in knots . Thankfully my dad had is final surgery yesterday and he is in recovery and pain management mode.

22-06-18, 04:49
Dear Ethansmom, I am so sorry you are going through this. This is yet another part of anxiety that I hate - it overtakes us in times of crisis and sometimes renders us unable to help ourselves or others. My husband has Stage 4 lung cancer. I hate it that some days he does more for me than I do for him.

I take medication and am in therapy. I meditate. I listen to self-help audios. I pray LOTS. I do mindfulness exercises. And, I walk when my depression isn't overpowering. These are all good things for you to try.

I also go through periods of time where I wake up trembling. I worried and went to my doc. He assured me I was fine. He said it's quite normal to wake up trembling when you have anxiety. I think sugar levels can cause this to happen too, so if you haven't been tested for a while, you might want to get checked out.

And hormones . . . oh my!! I am on the other end of this roller coaster ride. I stopped taking estrogen three years ago when I had an almost cancerous breast lump removed. My anxiety and depression have been so hard to treat since then. Hormones can absolutely make a difference. I have a darling daughter who is pregnant and her mood swings would make your head spin :)

I'm so glad your father is almost through this difficult experience. It sounds like the huge stress you've been under is coming to an end. :yesyes: I bet you will start feeling better soon.

Hang in there. I really think you'll feel lots better soon. :bighug1:

22-06-18, 21:16
Thank you for being so kind. Just knowing this is normal has helped me tremendously. Thankfully, today I am feeling a bit better-- maybe because it's Friday and the weekend is near.

I did meditate last night and fell asleep. Today I was shaking when I woke up, but it did stop after about 20 minutes on it's own. I have a doctor's check up appointment in August, so I will make sure to ask about that. I'm sure it's anxiety related (or at least I hope).
Thank you.

22-06-18, 23:41
Hi there! Sorry you’re dealing with so much - that’s tough. I don’t know much about the drug you’re taking, but I take Effexor (Venlafaxine), and I often wake up trembling as a result. Just wanted to throw that out there as I know some medicines can cause trembling, especially when waking up!