View Full Version : Hello suffer from anxiety depression 24/7

22-06-18, 14:10
I have severe anxiety and depression all day and night it grips you with so much fear been to hospital over 10 times all results clear I am in bed All day night currently really bad with a choking felling can't breath dizzy loss of appetite weakness to get out of bed not washing right shaving etc on lots of tablets any advise please

02-07-18, 21:11
Hey guy, then you are very special guy i assume :D.
Don't be sad, because it's not even your own fault.
I found a solution for my own problems and now ALL of them are gone.
Take your time.
You have aaaaaaaaalll the time.
Your body will NEVER act against you.
Never believe any nonsense.
Keep a good diet and enough sleep.
This homepage helped me to clear ALL my issues i had:

Might be challenging, but these answers are truly self empowering and not just playing around :D
And you will be one of the VERY few people that got to deeper understadning of all this
All the best