View Full Version : Tonight I re start Escitalopram

22-06-18, 17:59
Starting on 2.5mg (cutting a 5mg in half) only to try and minimise side effects. I am very scared about re starting but I really don’t have a lot of choice. I will take it just before I go to bed. I just hope I sleep right through.

22-06-18, 19:01
If you're so apprehensive about restarting, why didn't you consult your doctor about choosing a different anti-depressant? Escitalopram is not the only one out there. :)

22-06-18, 19:12
I was on Escitalopram 13 years before I stopped in Feb (slowing weaned off) but my anxiety has got bad again recently. I’d be scared to re start no matter what anti depressant I took! I don’t even take a paracetamol for a head ache!

23-06-18, 07:33
And I still couldn’t bring myself to take it. I am so so disappointed in myself. Sat with it here on my bed side for ages thinking I’ll take it when I’m about to drop off then I had really trembly legs. As soon as I told myself I wasn’t going to take it that feeling stopped. I can’t go on like this I know taking it is for the best I just can’t seem to over come my fear of taking that first tablet.

25-06-18, 10:33
So Saturday night came and I did take some of the tablet and I mean only a small amount prob 1mg (ish) same again last night. I know it’s a stupidly small amount but I’m seeing it better than nothing right? My husband has the week off so I should try to up it whilst he’s home really

25-06-18, 13:55
It sounds like you're resisting the medication. Why not try a different one? What about restarting therapy scares you so much? Do you feel like you're admitting defeat? If so, that is most certainly NOT the case. :)

25-06-18, 14:48
The only thing that scares me is the possible side effects, nothing else. This medication worked for me for 13 years!

28-06-18, 20:16
Mumzy, how are you doing now? Are you still taking the small amount?

I wonder if it would help to cut the 2.5 mg in half, and take that for a few days, or even a week?

29-06-18, 14:25
If it worked for you for 13 years and you're familiar with the side-effects then there's nothing to be afraid of. :) Besides, there's no guarantee that you'll experience the same side effects this time round as the medication isn't completely unfamiliar to your body.
Hope you're well. :)

03-07-18, 14:05
How are you doing, Mumzy?

04-07-18, 12:15
Hey well I’m still taking just slightly less that 1/4 of a tablet but will up this from this weekend. I’ve actually been doing not so bad but today feeling quite on edge on tired.

09-07-18, 14:20
It sounds like you are making progress :-).

Although it's not for everyone, I'm really glad I'm doing such a slow increase. I really haven't had any majors side effects, so far. I'm on my second week of 7.5 mg, and plan to stay at this dose for another 2 weeks before moving to 10 mg.

09-07-18, 14:34
I don’t feel 100% (but then I’m not going to on such a low dose!) but I don’t feel quite so on edge as I did.
I think I’m going to wait until a week Friday once my children break up for summer holidays to up my dose as then I know I haven’t got to be at certain places at certain times and will hopefully feel more relaxed!
I sound like I’m forever making excuses lol.
Glad your doing well :)