View Full Version : Lung Cancer in non-smoker?

22-06-18, 18:31
Hey everyone,

I am kind of spiralling right now :( But these symptoms are just not going away. Two weeks ago it was some bone cancer worries, before that was ovarian and now it’s lung cancer. To be honest I didn’t notice I had a persistent cough until my mom noticed it. I have had a persistent cough for a month now. It’s not all the time and I don’t cough at night. It’s not very mucusy either. I assumed it was a remnant from all the colds and sinus infections I got in the winter and spring. But now it’s really started to worry me. I do have a constant post nasal drip and I also have GERD. But I have never had a persistent cough with it before.

Just some background, I am a 30 year old female and have never smoked before. I googled and found that non smokers can get lung cancer and apparently it happens more commonly in young women because of some mutated gene.. This completely freaked me out. And now I feel like I have back pain and chest pain and I am also finding myself coughing constantly - not sure if that’s because I’m more aware of it. Maybe my cough reflex is just sensitive now? Gosh. Please help

22-06-18, 18:57
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.
