View Full Version : Words of encouragement please!

22-06-18, 18:32
I'm trying really hard not to panic. My step brother in law was just diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer yesterday at a very young age. My step dad in law was diagnosed with stage 4 bile duct cancer 3 months ago. My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer 2 months ago and my great aunt was just diagnosed with colon cancer.

I have went the whole 28 years of my life without knowing anyone with cancer and now its EVERYWHERE. My grandmother and step father in laws cancers hit me hard 3 months ago and I convinced myself that I had breast cancer. About a month ago I stopped all reassurance seeking, started lexapro and I've felt like I've been doing a lot better about believing the doctors. But then this happened and I can feel myself on the edge of the cliff about to spiral out of control

Please someone, any advice on how to stop myself from going back down that rabbit hole?

22-06-18, 19:10
I feel for you and I'm so sorry this is happening to your family.

That seems super scary, but keep in mind that your family needs you to be strong and help where and when you can. I would try to focus on that for now.

22-06-18, 19:25
It’s a scary time, and you may need some help to get through it but you will. There’s no reason you won’t get through this. I remember thinking the same thing when my Dad was very ill, and I don’t remember trying to fight the negative thoughts. Fight them, you are strong and can do this.

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22-06-18, 19:53
I'm sorry you're going through this - that's really hard. Stay strong - you will get through this! Prayers for your family. <3