View Full Version : foggy feelings in head

geordie flower
28-07-07, 11:10
Hiya, i was wondering if anyone else suffered with a foggy head! :wacko: quite hard to explain but i often feel that im living in a dream world and im just watching whats going on around me, my head feels dizzy and bizzy and i cant seem to focus on anything it can last for a few hours at a time, is this anxiety related? thanks tracey :) x

28-07-07, 16:51
Hi Tracey,

yes i know the feeling,it feels like your brain is wrapped in cotton wool.It makes it very difficult to focus on anything or anyone.Its almost like a hangover with out the alcohol.:mad:
The times it has happened to me is when i'm suffering low anxiety levels.Nothing specific going on it just happens and it lasts 2-3 hours for me also.
You're not the only one with this feeling:) .


28-07-07, 17:06
I get that feeling nearly every day and it's really horrible. I often get it when I am rushing around or have visitors and I've got myself a bit wound up. It really is a very hard feeling to describe and I think it's easily confused with depersonalitation/derealisation. Sometimes I just have to go and lie down for awhile to 'clear' my head when I get it bad.

28-07-07, 21:57
Hi tracey,

I get that feeling too. Since reading up on symptoms I feel a lot calmer about it. Its strange because I know the panic is irrational, and can't always control it... but reading about symptoms here and the way they affect your body makes sense of it..


Our minds decide we are under threat and the body takes over by giving out a load of adrenaline which then causes lots more symptoms making us feel panicky. Just know that its all (what I call) "pretend", helps me tell my body thanks but no thanks I really don't need that adrenaline right now. I then put my mind to breathing or relaxation exercises, or listening to music and distracting myself in some other way. Sometimes taking myself off somewhere quiet helps too.

There lots of info in the nmp self-help section too.

Hope this helps.

geordie flower
29-07-07, 14:16
Hiya, thanks for yor replies i really appreciate them its kinda reassuring to know that im not alone in having these feelins although i wish none ov us were! This anxiety sure has a lot to answer for!!!! take care everyone :hugs: tracey x

15-07-08, 18:44
Geordie - I have the same problem. Have you found any new info out about it? I often feel tired, have a heavy head, it seems very foggy. It feels a lot like i'm hungover, even if I wasn't drinking. Any help would be great! thank you!

13-10-08, 07:20
Has anyone else found out that they have this problem? I have been feeling very foggy for the past week (not for 2-3 hours but more like 10-12 hours at a time). I'm only clear maybe the hour before I go to bed (if I'm lucky) and the hour after I get up. This is not linked to increased anxiety as frankly due to being generally unaware of all but the most important things I'm not able to be very anxious. This is dangerous as I come close to missing work, and other important things when I get caught up doing things without paying attention to the time.

I can best describe it as having a mental tunnel vision, with slowed reaction.

I thought it might have been being undernourished, but I've been eating too much if anything; additionally, it could have been sleep deprivation but after sleeping nearly 30 out of the past 48 hours I really doubt that either.

I'm at a loss but you people seem to have the closest descriptions to what I have.

14-10-08, 05:01
Thankyfull this problem was resolved soon after I posted this by following one of the above links.

Problems with clear thinking can often be tied to sugar levels, and I raised my sugar level and now I'm fine. Thankfully I also suffer from anxiety attacks so figured this forum might help me. It did, indirectly.

13-09-09, 22:15
I have that, then I started taking stimulants for ADD, and it all went away. If you drink caffiene does it help take it away temperarily? I can now stay better focused on what I am doing too.

02-11-09, 11:42
I have suffered from this for 5 years and have finally been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Its not nice to hear others have the same problem, but it is a relief to finally know what the problem is.

04-11-09, 18:34
I have this right now... I also have inner ear problem which makes me very unbalanced.. the two together are a fantastic combo...to outsiders it must look like I am a stumbling drunk!

I find that sitting down and just focusing my eyes on one thing i.e telly or computer helps dull down the symptoms.

lots of voices/faces/busy places make it much worse for me.

I am glad I am not alone too !

05-06-11, 08:24
I went to the Dr, its ADD, ADHD, or depression/aniexty. when i take my adderall for adhd it goes away.

18-10-14, 11:41
Hello there I get all these symptoms but before that I get when I wake up everything is spinning and I can't move and when it starts getting better or when the spinning stops I'm left with this cotton wool head and headache and no energy for a few days does any one get this x