View Full Version : The source of your anxiety

23-06-18, 14:14
Hey guys!
I have been trying to do inner work, to better understand where exactly all of these years of anxiety have really come from. I would really like to hear other peoples experiences.

I have realized I am an insane perfectionist, I am obsessed with the idea of being perceived as "good". Proving that I am good enough to others, and to myself, through ways of proving how "good" I am. Whether that be with drawing, sewing, cosplay, writing, work, money, jobs, makeup, relationships, arguing, school, etc. I always try to be the BEST so everyone can see how good I am, and I can prove to myself that, yes, I am worth it. I am successful. I am a good person. I make good decisions. This in turn makes me extremely fearful of failing, making mistakes, and not doing things well enough.
The older I get I have realized I used to express it very passive aggressively as a teenager. I was not a very nice person. I was always trying to be better than everyone else but I would never let anyone know that. It came from an insecurity of self, I always felt I wasn't good enough. So I needed to always prove myself. I think this greatly stems from my childhood. Both my parents were drug addicts, when I was real little they would sleep until 12 and I would wander around alone. When my father left because my mom got clean, I probably blamed it on myself. When my mom had manic episodes because of bipolar disorder, I felt I was always walking on eggshells, and I probably thought it was my fault. I never knew what to expect from my mother and constantly had to cater to her current mood. At 22, I still do. I think everything made me feel like if I was better, none of this would have happened. If I was better, I wouldn't have to be my mother's mother, If I was better my dad wouldn't have left, If I was better my parents wouldn't treat me this way.

Of course I know this isn't true. But I had never really thought about how my childhood has affected the way I view the world as an adult. Clearly it made me feel small and insignificant. This fuels my perfectionist, (yet occasional procrastinating) personality. I internalize my feelings, and then project them onto other aspects of my life. I use external sources to increase my sense of self worth, and I blame my anxieties on external sources because I am too fearful to admit that It is an internal problem, and that I am terrified of failure.

23-06-18, 14:49
Hi sprouts. Well it sounds like you have been doing some deep soul searching. I think it’s great if you can find the root of your anxiety but I don’t know if it’s really necessary to know the root in order to learn to overcome it. By that I mean, we all are shaped and molded by our childhood experiences and that makes us who we are are people today. But the anxiety you live with is in the here and now and the way you cope with it is how it either is calmed or fuelled. I personally can say that my childhood experiences are based on a lot of insecurity and I know that I learned to worry in an unhealthy catastrophic way as my mum did, it doesn’t change the fact that I think this way as an adult but it does make me think about how I behave around my children, I don’t want to teach them the same unhealthy thought cycle. I think we can only attribute so much to negative childhood experiences and we need to focus more on what we do now and how we allow our minds to continue thinking in an unhelpful way. X

24-06-18, 23:58
Hi sprouts. Well it sounds like you have been doing some deep soul searching. I think it’s great if you can find the root of your anxiety but I don’t know if it’s really necessary to know the root in order to learn to overcome it. By that I mean, we all are shaped and molded by our childhood experiences and that makes us who we are are people today. But the anxiety you live with is in the here and now and the way you cope with it is how it either is calmed or fuelled. I personally can say that my childhood experiences are based on a lot of insecurity and I know that I learned to worry in an unhealthy catastrophic way as my mum did, it doesn’t change the fact that I think this way as an adult but it does make me think about how I behave around my children, I don’t want to teach them the same unhealthy thought cycle. I think we can only attribute so much to negative childhood experiences and we need to focus more on what we do now and how we allow our minds to continue thinking in an unhelpful way. X

You are completely right. I am trying to take more responsibility for my own emotions and anxiety, because despite what may be the root, I cannot blame anything else or anyone for it.

02-07-18, 23:30
Breathing anxiety is the worst