View Full Version : Vague symptoms - worried about blood disorders (x-posted from symptoms)

23-06-18, 16:44
I'm not sure where it's best to post this...

To preface: I'm a 25yo male. I keep getting bizarre symptoms that seem to come out of nowhere: achy/tingling hands, painful armpit on the left side, tingling lips, random scratches, small rashes that go away after a few hours, joint aches, groin pain, lightheadedness, digestive problems/abdominal pain on the left side - some this comes with anxiety, some of it when I think I'm normal. Also, I guess this all started with burning chest pains I noticed during a conference I attended.

I've been to the doctor's heaps of times. They've done full blood work (still waiting on specific blood cell work) and every seems okay (my WBC is JUST 5.1 out of 4-12 in the normal range) but I've also had an abdominal ultrasound and they found that my spleen is a bit above average in size. My grandfather got leukemia in his 60s (only cancer in the family) and, I'm gonna be honest, I've been fixated by this for the last couple of weeks.

The doctors keep telling me that my aches and pains are allergy/anxiety/posture related (I definitely know at this point I suffer from health anxiety) and not to worry seeing as my blood work is fine.

Have any of you had similar experiences/symptoms? This is getting out of control and I can't stop worrying. The doctors seem so cavalier about all of this and I'm having a hard time making sense of what is real and what I'm exaggerating.

So please folks, if you can talk some sense into me, I'd appreciate it! I don't know if I should keep pushing them or just try to ignore it and get on with my life.

23-06-18, 23:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:
