View Full Version : Funny Head?

28-07-07, 17:49
I have really bad tension headaches and sometimes a buzzing sensation then a sharp pain goes through my head. My doctor assures me its tension but all sorts of thoughts run through my head at what it could be. I have been back to the doctor more times then I care to admit but the thoughts of it been something serious doesn't seem to leave me. Does anyone have any of these feelings or any advice how to deal with them? I sometimes feel as if I'm going mad!:)

28-07-07, 22:09
Hi there.

When the anxiety is strong I often feel like I'm going mad. I tell my husband I feel sorry for him, for being stuck with this mad person. Luckily he just tells me I'm not mad, just ill, and all I have is a part of me, and he loves me. Don't know where I'd be without him! But that doesn't help you - just wanted to say I know what you mean...

Apart from Daryl, my greatest help has been the information I found here at NMP about symptoms and the effects of adrenaline on your body. Your brain decides you're under threat then you body takes over and gets totally carried away! The information on symptoms and self help really helped me make sense of it all, and help me stay more in control instead of panicking more when I get the slightest symtoms.


Hope this helps,

29-07-07, 10:10
Thanks! I just need to keep re-reading the symptons and write them down I think in times of panic!! I know deep down its anixety but when your body is telling you other things u do get carried away. My boyfriend is too a great support, i'm lucky to have him!
Thanks again

29-07-07, 11:47
Hi mich if I had to admit how many times i had been to the Dr`s.............yikes!!:blush:

Anyway.. I thought the same as you. always getting these headaches, aswell as being on the verge of passing out too! its very scary. I used to take a combination of Co-codamol and ibuprofun, its a lot of pain killers but nothing else helped!
Its nothing more sinister, other than anxiety its not very nice and its scary but its not going to hurt you any other way!
Do you see a therapist? Are you on and meds.

Be well Mich, it will all get better


30-07-07, 08:03
Hi Celo thanks for the reply! I do take beta blockers for panic attacks and pain killers for my head! I just hope this all goes away. My anxiety and panic attacks started about 6 weeks ago after a mild illness, now I think something is wrong with me but I know there isn;t when I think rationally!

31-07-07, 03:53
Hi Mich81

My anxiety started up again a 4/5 months ago after a mild illness as well.

I got terrible head/pains sensations and managed to get myself into one hell of a pickle with worrying about what it could be, I was so convinced I was going to die. Back and forth tot he doctors, my doctor is quite good most of the time and sent me to see a neurologist who did a few tests and told me it was just neck problems caused by stress. Your symptoms sound like mine, so I really wouldn't worry, and its funny that as soon as I began to stop worrying, the headaches and pain went. I guess when you worry you lock on to an area and concentrate on it so much you notice every feeling/twinge/pain that goes on.

I hope your feeling better soon