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View Full Version : Waiting for CT scan results

24-06-18, 07:27
Hello all. Two years ago, I received an X-ray for a cough and was told that they found a "nodule" on the scan. A month later, I went for a follow-up CT which showed nothing, but then another X-ray 6 months later for something different showed the nodule again. That was over a year ago at this point, and the doctor has put off doing another CT scan until just yesterday (Saturday) and didn't seem too concerned.

Well, I had the second CT done yesterday, and needless to say, I'm having a bit of anxiety over it. I know my one CT was clear, but the fact that the X-ray after still showed the nodule has had me worried. Of course I've started wondering if the first CT was wrong now, which isn't helping at all. I'm trying to tell myself that if there was anything wrong, they would've given me a call immediately, but I don't know. I guess I'm still freaking out and needed to vent. I'm a 24 year old non-smoker, if that makes any difference :wacko:

28-06-18, 03:43
Just wanted to update this and say that I haven't received any sort of calls, and it's been a few days. If there was anything wrong, would they have already called me? Sorry, I don't mean to be a bother. It's just hard to not be anxious about this sort of thing.