View Full Version : Therapy not working

24-06-18, 09:46
So far it’s not working.

I said I was anxious and had to switch a movie off and put classical music on she said that’s fine as it relaxes me I said no the anxiety beat me and I was annoyed I missed the movie. Now I go back to other methods I use which involves eliminating anxiety. Also when I had therapy when I was 16 which was over a decade ago the person was very helpful and said I should try and go to cinema not let anxiety win and I even took a little card in my wallet to stay in the situation as I use to run to the toilet.

She said you can’t eliminate anxiety yet in the past I have. I don’t mean if a bear jumped out you wouldn’t panic I mean having unwanted anxiety and panic.

Yes it’s helpful to talk about it but I’m paying good money for it. So far I’ve seen little improvement in my ocd unwanted thoughts or anxiety. I will asses it after another session or two however I believe I won’t be beating anxiety until I’m ready. It comes and goes and therapy doesn’t seem to have much effect.

24-06-18, 10:16
I don’t know about not beating anxiety until you’re ready - nobody wants to feel like this. But I do believe that you have to put lots of work into it. It’s a hard realisation that you are the one that needs to put in the work, there’s no fast and easy way to zap it.

Don’t give up therapy, but maybe look for a therapist that suits you? If you don’t like her way, then either tell her or find someone who you do like. You are paying her after all.

But also, it is fine to not finish watching a film if you feel anxious. It takes time to learn the ways to relax yourself quickly enough to continue. So really she’s just telling you to not be so hard on yourself, by being annoyed about it, you’re just adding to the anxiety. Let it go, move on. Watch it again another time.

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24-06-18, 10:34
Good morning I tried CBT earlier this year unfortunately it didn't work for me,the cost was £60 per week almost broke me but I stuck with the course.that's not to say it doesn't work for someone else,I am still constantly light headed and it is difficult to sometimes going out but I still do,I guess you have to accept how you feel and take it with you,enjoy your day my friend.

24-06-18, 18:21
You cannot eliminate anxiety, or avoid situations that trigger anxiety.

The best method to beat anxiety is to simply accept it. It's one of the oddest paradoxes, but accepting it and learning to just sit with it eventually stop it being a problem any more.

Anxiety isn't a fear of a certain situation, it's a fear of itself.

24-06-18, 23:55
Leaving a movie to relieve yourself from anxiety is completely fine. Forcing yourself through the movie and forcing yourself to confront your anxiety is also completely fine (this one works for me). Everyone copes with anxiety differently and has a different method that works for them in overcoming the anxiety. What has worked for you in the past, may not work now. (I was originally an avoider)

Anxiety cannot be eliminated because it is part of being human. However it is possible to control your anxiety with a lot of continuous effort on your own part. Daily exercises, making healthy choices, being aware of your thoughts, and changing your outlook. Now, that doesn't mean that it can't be triggered after years of being panic-free. This is the case for everyone that has an anxiety disorder. In order to "overcome" it, you have to accept it and understand you may always have this problem, or it may go away. But this is how it is right now.

Sometimes therapy doesn't work. Generally when one type of therapy doesn't work, you should search for therapists that take a different approach. Or that you have a better connection with. One of the biggest aspects of healing is having a good therapist that understands your anxiety and consistently working towards your wellness goals.

I find the main reason therapy doesn't work (which is in my own personal experience) Is that you know why the anxiety is happening, you know all of the right coping mechanisms and what you need to do (yanno, after years of being in the mental health system, you kinda understand all this stuff), but you are not using them correctly, efficiently, or enough times for them to truly be effective in treating your anxiety. Consistently looking for reassurance and someone else to solve your problems for you, or denying the true existence of your anxiety and why it is there in the first place.

26-06-18, 10:32
Phil not knowing how your therapist is working with you I cant comment, but would say are they over loading you with to much stuff all at once, do you feel overwhelmed by it all?
Lets take a small bit of your OCD 'The Contanimation Issue' was reading your thread about replacing the letter box on your house and maybe a door. Logically now really think about this what's going to happen if you don't replace the door and the letter box (at this point you think both are contaminated) I understand the strive for perfection but sadly it's a imperfect world we live in It's a 2 way street working with a therapist so if you don't understand something what the therapist is saying then speak up and ask questions, so you both on the same page. Your OCD is badly ingrained Phil it's took root in your head and you need to cut those roots away now. ATB

27-06-18, 22:26
Phil not knowing how your therapist is working with you I cant comment, but would say are they over loading you with to much stuff all at once, do you feel overwhelmed by it all?
Lets take a small bit of your OCD 'The Contanimation Issue' was reading your thread about replacing the letter box on your house and maybe a door. Logically now really think about this what's going to happen if you don't replace the door and the letter box (at this point you think both are contaminated) I understand the strive for perfection but sadly it's a imperfect world we live in It's a 2 way street working with a therapist so if you don't understand something what the therapist is saying then speak up and ask questions, so you both on the same page. Your OCD is badly ingrained Phil it's took root in your head and you need to cut those roots away now. ATB

Yes I feel in a terrible situation my partner feels I’m at my worst right now :lac:

Not too much information she is quite patient and slow with information. I just feel the sessions are going too fast and I can’t afford more frequent sessions I wish I could. My ocd is so extreme I would use the final amount of savings to replace the door if I could but I’m obviously going to consult my theripst before I do this.

The ocd is causing me anxiety at night so that’s an issue too. Since it’s so intense. Yes the ocd has to me mild hand washing and checking but the ocd has become more extreme moving house has made it ten times worse as I want more perfection to avoid wanting to move again..I feel desperate and it feels there is no help from me and going to work or a holiday is my only escape.

My theripst says is it about “me” protecting me and she thinks is perfectionism. She wants me to find another way of finding that relaxed feeling without replacing stuff. Blocked toilets germs and wash baskets are my biggest issues I wish somebody could find a way to help me not fear these? If the fear was gone all the worries I had would also be gone. I believe it’s the germs that come from a blocked toilet and dirty washing that’s causing me my problems.

I have no idea why is these particular worries I wish I had answers but it goes back to the days when I blocked toilets and my mum took dripping bags of water through the house and also the washing issue comes from when I came out the shower and wiped my backside that made me develop a fear of dirty washing these ideas became imbedded into my mind and then I developed an urge to rebuy stuff from all this..the issue is in the past perhaps my therapist can work on a this?

29-06-18, 20:15
I got a book via letter box today I touched fridge and doors and fear everything is dirty so surely a new door would have been easier instead it will be a new house I need again

27-09-18, 20:26
Posted this in June since had almost six sessions and my ocd is worse not better.

What else can I try?

27-09-18, 20:55
You could try not expecting it to work in six sessions. There is no quick fix.

11-10-18, 11:39

I’m considering making my 7th session my last due to the cost of it. So far it’s only helped a tiny bit over all not much has changed for me it may be I can try another theripst at a later date but may have one session more maybe two max.

I seem to just deal with it myself or messages boards for me not enough has changed I have spent £240 pounds on it so far which is a lot when I am on a small part time wage. Perhaps the nhs can offer something but they seem to have forgot about me usually I get a yearly check up.

11-10-18, 17:43

I’m considering making my 7th session my last due to the cost of it.

Less costly than replacing household items.

Positive thoughts

11-10-18, 17:55
Seven sessions isn't enough to give up on - I was barely getting going - but appreciate the private cost is significant. Have you tried self-referring via IAPT (if you're in England)?

11-10-18, 18:34
Seven sessions isn't enough to give up on - I was barely getting going - but appreciate the private cost is significant. Have you tried self-referring via IAPT (if you're in England)?

No I’ve not tried that yet

How many sessions should It take to beat ocd?

11-10-18, 19:37
There is no answer to that question, Phil. It's as long as it takes which will probably be difficult for you to accept and there are no guarantees. It's a long term challenge to manage OCD.

11-10-18, 20:47
No I’ve not tried that yet

How many sessions should It take to beat ocd?

As Pulisa says, no-one can tell you that - there are so many factors. Be honest with your therapist and get their opinions on these questions.

17-10-18, 21:27
There is no answer to that question, Phil. It's as long as it takes which will probably be difficult for you to accept and there are no guarantees. It's a long term challenge to manage OCD.

I think I will go for my 7th session and leave it at that and have a think I see the doctor so was going to ask for something free on the nhs therapy wise maybe that will help or more propranolol?

It’s £40 a session and with Xmas coming up it’s a lot when I am say what 10% better if that? Some days feels less.

It seems a waste to keep going and the techniques are not working I’m no further on with tackling my ocd yes she has said lots of information but none of it has really worked. She does have a lot of time for me and is trying to help but nope. Perhaps the nhs could offer something maybe weekly based to get a bit more progress on it?

I could keep going but it feels money down a drain when I still relay on message boards and self help? :blush:

18-10-18, 06:08
I think you need to tell your therapist this.

Also, have a look at how you spend your money Phil. Hundreds to replace things that you think are contaminated, holidays every month or so, but £40 of therapy is too expensive? I’m not sure that you’re looking at this the right way.

It’s your decision, but it’s the only thing you’re doing to address your problems. So if it isn’t working as you would like, then tell her. Or find another.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-11-18, 15:57
For the past year or two anxiety has controlled me. I avoided concerts and worry about flying. If something doesn’t feel “right” I won’t do it is this ocd based?

Like for my honeymoon a holiday I want to do in February I worry doing it in the summer would make me go crazy all the travelling. This is the ocd thoughts I get or something awful will happen if I do something on a certain time. Sometimes I scrap ideas as they seem too much.

I feel my anxiety controls every choice I make anybody else had this?

05-11-18, 12:50
Are you doing anything to combat this anxiety? (CBT / counselling / mindfulness / meds)

05-11-18, 14:01
Are you doing anything to combat this anxiety? (CBT / counselling / mindfulness / meds)

Had 7 sessions of Cbt however it’s not working great still got bad ocd and anxiety?

05-11-18, 14:03
She says it’s been up and down and asked if I felt it was working still? I see my psychiatrist in a few weeks I said I would talk though if it’s best I keep going to it or they may offer nhs based therapy?

05-11-18, 15:07
Well that's not very many sessions in the grand scheme of things. Try not to expect too much too soon, it's going to take time for the things you practise to take effect. I've been having counselling for almost 3 months & still definitely suffer with anxiety. I've never had CBT but am working my way through a CBT book & find the exercises very useful.

05-11-18, 15:17

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-11-18, 16:44
Phill have you ever thought that you posting constantly on No More Panic about sometimes minute things is actually part of your OCD?

05-11-18, 19:27
Phill have you ever thought that you posting constantly on No More Panic about sometimes minute things is actually part of your OCD?

I get the impression my posts are not welcome here if I can’t use forums people on here for years told me go to therapy I did I paid over £300 on zero results where do I go next? I’ve said before I can’t go on anti depressants so I’m a bit stuck however I’ve been on many sites and feel people want to make me feel worse an example is a person said to me maybe I had a heart attack because I felt weak? Seems hit or miss the advice

---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

Well that's not very many sessions in the grand scheme of things. Try not to expect too much too soon, it's going to take time for the things you practise to take effect. I've been having counselling for almost 3 months & still definitely suffer with anxiety. I've never had CBT but am working my way through a CBT book & find the exercises very useful.

It’s cost. At £40 a session I feel I’ve have it all I have and it’s not working. What’s the point when my theripst agrees it’s a bit up and down and no progress? Maybe the nhs Will provide therapy but after 11 years of suffering I doubt it. Different therapist maybe but again £40 is the going rate.

05-11-18, 19:45
Many kind people have spent a lot of time and effort giving you advice and support on here, Phil. Have you actually read through any of the many responses you have received on your numerous threads over the months and years? No, nobody is offering you a quick fix or a miracle cure which is what you seem to want. If you are unwilling to invest any more in private therapy I'd advise you to ask for an updated diagnostic assessment from your psych when you see him and maybe then you will be offered appropriate therapy to complement your diagnosis, whatever that turns out to be?

05-11-18, 20:19
I'm really sorry you feel like it's not working, but from my limited experience of CBT it's a long process - the exercises need to be repeated many times before they begin to scratch the surface. For example I notice you posted the other day about feeling weak & needing to eat a biscuit, and of course there's nothing wrong with needing reassurance, but I was taught that instead of over-thinking this & giving it all of my attention, I should make a map of my anxiety - identifying the thoughts, feelings, physical sensations or record it in my anxiety journal, figure out if my fears are fact or fiction, look at my disaster predictions etc etc (I'm sure you know all this)
I'm not sure how often you're doing all of these things but they do take time.

05-11-18, 21:39
Many kind people have spent a lot of time and effort giving you advice and support on here, Phil. Have you actually read through any of the many responses you have received on your numerous threads over the months and years? No, nobody is offering you a quick fix or a miracle cure which is what you seem to want. If you are unwilling to invest any more in private therapy I'd advise you to ask for an updated diagnostic assessment from your psych when you see him and maybe then you will be offered appropriate therapy to complement your diagnosis, whatever that turns out to be?

Yes I have a diagnosis already but I have anxiety and ocd. I’m hoping they can offer some nhs based therapy that’s free? That way if it doesn’t help it won’t matter as it won’t cost.

05-11-18, 23:29
I get the impression my posts are not welcome here if I can’t use forums people on here for years told me go to therapy I did I paid over £300 on zero results where do I go next? I’ve said before I can’t go on anti depressants so I’m a bit stuck however I’ve been on many sites and feel people want to make me feel worse an example is a person said to me maybe I had a heart attack because I felt weak? Seems hit or miss the advice[COLOR="blue"]

Not saying that and no one else has either .... it was an honest question to you.......Do you think that posting on NMP has become part of your OCD compulsions? definitely not saying you shouldn't post etc, just wanted to know your take on it.

06-11-18, 00:15
Phill have you ever thought that you posting constantly on No More Panic about sometimes minute things is actually part of your OCD?

12 years of threads and posts speaks volumes. In the time I've been here, I've not seen any measurable improvement (in fact, things seem to be getting worse) and despite the advice and the urging of members, very little effort in recovery. To come to the conclusion that therapy isn't working after a few sessions seems to me that it's just justification to quit and carry on here another 12 years.

Phil, sorry to be so blunt with my assessment but I've followed and read your posts for years and tried to offer sound and logical advice only to be ignored most of the time.

You're about to get married. As I said in a previous post, I have strong reservations based on what I see here. If you don't get some things straightened out or at least learn to control your impulses, things may not go well long term.

I truly hope you take your dragon by the horns and find a way to put him on a leash for your sake as well as your future wife and family.

Positive thoughts

06-11-18, 03:08
It’s cost. At £40 a session I feel I’ve have it all I have and it’s not working. What’s the point when my theripst agrees it’s a bit up and down and no progress? Maybe the nhs Will provide therapy but after 11 years of suffering I doubt it. Different therapist maybe but again £40 is the going rate.

You would get the same therapy free via IAPT. But it would be limited to a certain number of sessions.

---------- Post added at 03:08 ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 ----------

Not saying that and no one else has either .... it was an honest question to you.......Do you think that posting on NMP has become part of your OCD compulsions? definitely not saying you shouldn't post etc, just wanted to know your take on it.

It obviously is. Reassurance seeking being a compulsion. But the obsessive analysing goes beyond. Finding ways to stop before posting, so as to challenge thinking, and changing why posting would be a way to work on the compulsive side and cut down on that reassurance seeking.

Threads only show what people want us to see. Making judgements based off such small pieces of people's lives will also mean lots of assumption. Life may get better in some ways and worse in others but it's the bad we always talk about on here. Some people may just be keeping going as opposed to losing their jobs, social lives, etc.

19-11-18, 14:10
I seen the Psychiatrist for my yearly check up today mentioned my ocd he wouldn’t offer any nhs based therapy instead recommended exercise and YouTube progressive muscular relaxation training.

He said I could continue with CBT and pay for it but agreed it’s a bit expensive and he thinks exercise and less fizzy drinks will reduce the ocd and anxiety

19-11-18, 14:54
OK, so this raises many many questions.....and seems confusing....as I know some psychiatrists aren't that great, but saying 'exercise and less fizzy drinks' seems bad even for bad LOL

Firstly, what reason did he give for not offering NHS therapy. He must have given some explanation to you as to his reasoning for refufusing the therapy. Is it possible (and I'm being devil's advocate here) that he thinks you aren't entirely committed to it and carrying out the tasks you are given to work on ?

Secondly, does he agree that you actually have OCD, I am presuming he knows your behaviour patterns ?

Thirdly, is the fact that you dropped your private sessions quickly indicative to him, do you think, of a lack of committement? Maybe he thinks that by having to pay for the sessions yourself that you can't and won't spend on replacing things from contamination. He's kind of getting you to make the choice - you really want to deal with it, therefore you are giving some of the money you would for replacing, as NHS therapy is free then you could have lots of money to replace things.

19-11-18, 15:33
I seen the Psychiatrist for my yearly check up today mentioned my ocd he wouldn’t offer any nhs based therapy instead recommended exercise and YouTube progressive muscular relaxation training.

He said I could continue with CBT and pay for it but agreed it’s a bit expensive and he thinks exercise and less fizzy drinks will reduce the ocd and anxiety

Are you in Scotland?

19-11-18, 16:28
I'm sorry but what a load of b......

19-11-18, 16:32
Phil, have you had NHS cbt before......or is this a first time of asking? Could your GP put you forward, and by-pass the psychiatrist.

19-11-18, 16:40
I am in Scotland and no he never gave any reason other than the YouTube video and exercise is better than therapy.

I have asked for therapy from doctors and never got any I have explained many a time on here private is my only opinion and I have tried that and it’s failed a few times now so I could get another but it could be more money wasted anyway?

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:38 ----------

He never mentioned if I have ocd I only see him for the bipolar meds.

19-11-18, 16:41
Righhhhtttttt, so.....ummm.....he only see you for one part of your mental health.....and not all of it?!?! Sounds well silly.

19-11-18, 16:49
Righhhhtttttt, so.....ummm.....he only see you for one part of your mental health.....and not all of it?!?! Sounds well silly.

Well I mentioned the ocd and his advice as the YouTube video and exercise

19-11-18, 16:55
Treatment by 'youtube' cool...... :wacko:

19-11-18, 17:16
Irn-Bru OCD is a new theme......:wacko:

All I can say is..."What a tube..."(An Alan Brazil (ex-footballer)saying for a "numptie")

19-11-18, 17:29
Yes not much I can do if they can’t offer anymore help that’s why I use forums

20-11-18, 02:15
That explains why Elen mentioned Scotland then.

You don't have IAPT up there as your NHS is well behind he rest of us. That explains why it's so hard to get any therapy from them.

I would suggest pushing your GP. The psychiatrist sounds like he is just picking up his pay checks until he can retire.

Also, Scotland and a footballer? Should be a bit cheaper :winks: You mentioned not everyone supports the team they are from so I hope it's not a Rangers/Celtic mix or you might need the riot vans on standby :winks:

20-11-18, 15:55
I was considering emailing my theripst and ask if she thinks it’s worth having a couple more sessions or what since my ocd is bad and nhs don’t give therapy?

20-11-18, 16:18
I was considering emailing my theripst and ask if she thinks it’s worth having a couple more sessions or what since my ocd is bad and nhs don’t give therapy?

Have you looked into free therapy Phil? It’s usually run by Mind, you can self refer.

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20-11-18, 16:22
Have you looked into free therapy Phil? It’s usually run by Mind, you can self refer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No where can I find this?

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

I searched mind online doesn’t say there is any in Scotland?

20-11-18, 16:53
Sadly Mind & Rethink don't operate up there.

Your NHS can do therapy it's just they are operating on the old NHS model where it's all through CMHT level. Down here the NHS brought in IAPT to sit in between GP level and CMHT. Maybe your GP can put pressure on them?

20-11-18, 17:05
Sadly Mind & Rethink don't operate up there.

Your NHS can do therapy it's just they are operating on the old NHS model where it's all through CMHT level. Down here the NHS brought in IAPT to sit in between GP level and CMHT. Maybe your GP can put pressure on them?

Yep I mean the type of therapy he discussed was a psychologist to teach relaxation and said YouTube was better. I just don’t think they want to offer Cbt sadly.

I could have a few more private sessions in hope of it working eventually I’m not one for chapping in doctors doors demanding help I’m more reserved that way and don’t like to go

20-11-18, 20:45
Surely if Phil is seeing a psychiatrist he's on the CMHT level anyway?

20-11-18, 20:48
I got in touch with my theripst tonight said I’m struggling she recommended mindfulness and told me to stick with the discomfort of the anxiety to avoid replacing

She never offered anymore sessions though so I may have to look elsewhere if I want more therapy

21-11-18, 02:14
Surely if Phil is seeing a psychiatrist he's on the CMHT level anyway?

Yes, that's all they have up there. It's like us before IAPT was created and your GP referred you off in the same list as all the complex mental health cases and you sit waiting forever as they don't class us the same unless we are a safeguarding risk.

The same with therapy, they are going to be thinking about more complex conditions.

Kimberley has the same problem but she had a good GP fighting her case.

---------- Post added at 02:14 ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 ----------

Yep I mean the type of therapy he discussed was a psychologist to teach relaxation and said YouTube was better. I just don’t think they want to offer Cbt sadly.

I could have a few more private sessions in hope of it working eventually I’m not one for chapping in doctors doors demanding help I’m more reserved that way and don’t like to go

A psychologist is more advanced than anyone we would see in the IAPT network. They have a greater range of therapies to try.

I would imagine it would be something like Applied Relaxation. That's on the list for GAD in NICE guidelines as an alternative to CBT. Someone else on here has had it (we never seem to hear about it down here even though IAPT should be able to provide it) and said it was very helpful to them. She had OCD and she was severe.

22-11-18, 21:04
Wondering if I can get some peoples thoughts on the therapy thing..

I said to her I would wait and see how my doctors appointment goes at hospital before committing to paying anymore than 7 sessions and was hoping for some free nhs Cbt. She said that’s fine and I can come back while I wait for therapy.

I have since been told I can’t have therapy try YouTube so now I emailed my theripst said I’m struggling maybe I should come back for more sessions she blanked that and suggested mindfulness and YouTube and apps. No comment about anymore sessions.

Seems since I stopped she’s not willing to book anymore appointments obviously with Xmas round the corner I will save money but with no nhs therapy or not seeing this woman it means I have to start a fresh look for a new theripst pay more money if I feel I really need therapy. It seems if you want help it can be difficult but it’s stressful having to start again tell your story to someone new?

22-11-18, 21:15
Youtube again, same as the psychiatrist, is YOUTUBE the new mental health tool?

I honestly don't know what to suggest Phil, maybe others will have more thoughts.

22-11-18, 21:50
Youtube again, same as the psychiatrist, is YOUTUBE the new mental health tool?

I honestly don't know what to suggest Phil, maybe others will have more thoughts.

Yes I know it’s like they are pamming me off and saying your not my problem anymore I actually see a different doctor next year so he maybe wasn’t too fussed. Maybe that woman doesn’t need the £40 a session? I don’t know her reasons for not wanting to see me again but feel a little bit let down.

23-11-18, 01:50
I'm guessing the YouTube recommendation is to watch relaxation vids. That's standard advice, the same with Mindfulness.

The therapist is private so she can choose her clients. If she doesn't want to continue she at least should be honest about it. It could be she wants to cut down on clients (Xmas approaching after all). She might feel out of depth with you. We don't know and only she can answer this and ethically she should be honest with you.

The NHS is a different matter. They are expected to be helping us so when they brush us off it is annoying considering we are already paying for them!

---------- Post added at 01:50 ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 ----------

Yep I mean the type of therapy he discussed was a psychologist to teach relaxation and said YouTube was better. I just don’t think they want to offer Cbt sadly.

So, what relaxation therapy would you get, how many sessions and when?

No therapist has to give you CBT unless they believe it is appropriate for your treatment (or you are celebrity in which case you buy any "tame" doctor to give you any drug you want or any therapy as ethics get compromised by cash :whistles:) and the NHS make the decisions. The NHS charter on mental health is quite clear on the fact you can choose the provider but not the treatment.

23-11-18, 08:21
So the psychiatrist is palming you off with Youtube therapy yet continuing to prescribe risperidone?

Maybe it's felt that CBT has been unsuccessful in the past so no further sessions are being offered? I know that this was the case with my daughter but she was offered ACT instead as being more appropriate for her diagnosis.

23-11-18, 09:29
So the psychiatrist is palming you off with Youtube therapy yet continuing to prescribe risperidone?

Maybe it's felt that CBT has been unsuccessful in the past so no further sessions are being offered? I know that this was the case with my daughter but she was offered ACT instead as being more appropriate for her diagnosis.

Not sure because I never had nhs based therapy so he can’t tell if it was successful I only briefly mentioned I went private for Cbt.

He did say yearly check ups were enough. I think if I wanted more therapy I will have to find someone new and pay another £40. So perhaps for the moment I need to relay on forums and self help? :huh:

23-11-18, 10:59
HI Phil,

I understand your frustration and your distress at your endless circles of OCD behaviours, but there seems to be an underlying issue here that the psychiatrist and therapist are picking up on, possibly that they feel cbt won't work for you. Can I ask, do you have a diagnosis of being on the autistic spectrum? What Pulisa mentioned is really interesting and I've just looked it up as didn't know much about it, for anyone else interested....


Have a read and see what you think, this could be a way to go ? I know this therapist has decided, for whatever unknown reason, that she isn't treating you further, but do you think there is any chance of asking her a final question on her views about ACT.

23-11-18, 12:36
So the psychiatrist is palming you off with Youtube therapy yet continuing to prescribe risperidone?

Maybe it's felt that CBT has been unsuccessful in the past so no further sessions are being offered? I know that this was the case with my daughter but she was offered ACT instead as being more appropriate for her diagnosis.

It appears the psychiatrist isn't treating or even considering anxiety, they are monitoring medication for those bipolar episodes. Maybe the brush off with YouTube is just another way of not bothering getting involved? But they have now mentioned a form of therapy at least but Phil needs to find out about that so it sounds like they are starting to listen to other issues.

---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 ----------

HI Phil,

I understand your frustration and your distress at your endless circles of OCD behaviours, but there seems to be an underlying issue here that the psychiatrist and therapist are picking up on, possibly that they feel cbt won't work for you. Can I ask, do you have a diagnosis of being on the autistic spectrum? What Pulisa mentioned is really interesting and I've just looked it up as didn't know much about it, for anyone else interested....


Have a read and see what you think, this could be a way to go ? I know this therapist has decided, for whatever unknown reason, that she isn't treating you further, but do you think there is any chance of asking her a final question on her views about ACT.

It's not much of a leap either considering ACT is part of the newer wave CBT therapies. She may not be qualified in it though. ACT looks good.

Another issue might be that CBT is the recommended therapy by NICE so some might not stray from that? Then it's going to mean looking for a therapist with a wider skill set.

23-11-18, 12:49
You do have very similar thought patterns to my daughter, Phil. ACT may be worth looking into. CBT isn't for everyone, particularly for people with a more complex condition.

23-11-18, 15:20
HI Phil,

I understand your frustration and your distress at your endless circles of OCD behaviours, but there seems to be an underlying issue here that the psychiatrist and therapist are picking up on, possibly that they feel cbt won't work for you. Can I ask, do you have a diagnosis of being on the autistic spectrum? What Pulisa mentioned is really interesting and I've just looked it up as didn't know much about it, for anyone else interested....


No I don’t have a diagnosis of Aurtism and wouldn’t want to go down that route anyway I have enough on my plate with anxiety

Have a read and see what you think, this could be a way to go ? I know this therapist has decided, for whatever unknown reason, that she isn't treating you further, but do you think there is any chance of asking her a final question on her views about ACT.

No I don’t have a disgnosis if aurtism and I wouldn’t want to go down that route anyway got enough on my plate with anxiety without trying to diagnose something they did this when I was younger and found nothing to diagnose

---------- Post added at 15:20 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ----------

You do have very similar thought patterns to my daughter, Phil. ACT may be worth looking into. CBT isn't for everyone, particularly for people with a more complex condition.

And what is ACT and how does your daughter deal with it? My thought patterns are bad right now but sometimes it’s mild

23-11-18, 16:59
Interesting that there was nothing to diagnose when you were younger..You probably wouldn't think that now?

Carys has already posted a link which explains the theory behind Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Try and have a read of it and see what you think? Don't just write it off. It is an alternative therapy to bog standard CBT.

23-11-18, 17:07
Yeah, have a look at the link I posted Phil, as Pulisa says it explains it all. I wasn't saying that you NEEDED a diagnosis as such, regarding being on the autistic spectrum, just wondering really if you had a diaagnosis already, as then ACT might be better for you if you did.

23-11-18, 17:37
And ACT is also used for anxiety disorders. Some on here have had it for that. Some say the ACT books are really good.

23-11-18, 17:41
Are they ? I didn't know anything about it until doing a bit of looking up based on Pulisa telling me about it. Wellllllll, that sounds really encouraging and a way forward then.......

25-11-18, 17:52
I found a stress management course on nhs site in my area it’s for learning cbt and relaxation and controlling panic it doesn’t start until next year but it’s free and runs over six weeks they say it’s not group therapy and all seats face the front.

Is this worth a go?

25-11-18, 18:18
I found a stress management course on nhs site in my area it’s for learning cbt and relaxation and controlling panic it doesn’t start until next year but it’s free and runs over six weeks they say it’s not group therapy and all seats face the front.

Is this worth a go?

I did that course in Aug/Sept 2016 Phil.

It was naff, very general and not taliored to individuals needs. It's just the latest thing to push a dozen people through the system as quick as possible.

Probably ok, if it's for a person who feels a little stressed at work, but that's about it.

25-11-18, 18:37
But you still have a therapist there that you could talk to don’t you? As in, they assess you each week?
When I had group therapy they said there was the chance of one on one therapy after the group finished and they assessed you.

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25-11-18, 18:42
But you still have a therapist there that you could talk to don’t you? As in, they assess you each week?
When I had group therapy they said there was the chance of one on one therapy after the group finished and they assessed you.

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Not when i did it. It was just watching a slideshow on a screen for an hr and goodbye, for six weeks.

You just got one of those forms at the end of each session and hand back, can't remember the name SQ10 or something. We all know the one, in the last week how many times have you, blah, blah, blah.

Sorry for the negativety, but it wasn't good.

07-12-18, 12:15
The theripst has offered to see me again a half hour session every 2 weeks as she thinks it would help more frequent sessions.

Any thoughts on it I should go for it? I was stressing over the cost but my ocd hasn’t been better and nhs won’t help?

07-12-18, 14:22
The theripst has offered to see me again a half hour session every 2 weeks as she thinks it would help more frequent sessions.

Any thoughts on it I should go for it?


Positive thoughts

07-12-18, 15:07

Positive thoughts

100% agree with FMP

07-12-18, 16:07
Thanks for the advice

It’s a hard one as my family say the opposite that it’s a waste of time and never worked so I Duno what to do.

07-12-18, 19:03
Thanks for the advice

It’s a hard one as my family say the opposite that it’s a waste of time and never worked so I Duno what to do.

Ofcourse you should go for it, you do not know unless you try. :hugs:

07-12-18, 19:07
Ofcourse you should go for it, you do not know unless you try. :hugs:

It costs £40 per session plus it hasn’t worked so far

07-12-18, 19:14
It costs £40 per session plus it hasn’t worked so far

It's expensive, I definitely get that. However, if you go in with an open mind, it may help you find better strategies to cope. You don't have to do it forever, perhaps just set money aside for 3 or 4 sessions and see where it takes you.

07-12-18, 19:24
It's expensive, I definitely get that. However, if you go in with an open mind, it may help you find better strategies to cope. You don't have to do it forever, perhaps just set money aside for 3 or 4 sessions and see where it takes you.

I’ve had 7 sessions and spent over £300 already she stopped as I was exploring some free nhs therapy to be told I can’t have any

07-12-18, 19:28
What do you think you should do ?

(did you look at that link yet I posted a few pages ago, with ways to access support)

07-12-18, 20:49
What was your gut feeling when she offered that?

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07-12-18, 22:02
What was your gut feeling when she offered that?

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That I prefered monthly sessions and maybe she just wants the money feel a bit conned with my stag night as I posted in that topic

07-12-18, 22:11
That I prefered monthly sessions and maybe she just wants the money feel a bit conned with my stag night as I posted in that topic

Maybe you can forward her a link to NMP and have her read your threads. It's a virtual cornucopia of mental illness in words. I actually think intensive therapy and being held accountable is vital! Your fiance' needs to be involved as well as your family. You need to be held in check and challenged every step of the way to stand a chance. Would you rather work and spend $$ on getting better or stay the same, worrying about bullshit and spend money on crap you don't need? It's a no brainer IMO.

Anyway, again, everyone says go for it. you're going to do what you want anyway. I'm sure we'll see and hear about your decision shortly.

Positive thoughts

07-12-18, 22:32
Maybe you can forward her a link to NMP and have her read your threads. It's a virtual cornucopia of mental illness in words. I actually think intensive therapy and being held accountable is vital! Your fiance' needs to be involved as well as your family. You need to be held in check and challenged every step of the way to stand a chance. Would you rather work and spend $$ on getting better or stay the same, worrying about bullshit and spend money on crap you don't need? It's a no brainer IMO.

Anyway, again, everyone says go for it. you're going to do what you want anyway. I'm sure we'll see and hear about your decision shortly.

Positive thoughts

My partner doesn’t want to be involved that’s the problem.

And I’m still deciding at the moment as I was actually going to look at a new theripst. I have also been using YouTube as a source for the CBT.

I hit a bit of a mental block as I do a lot these days when I worried about the cost of the therapy I was happy to do it for six months.

That said I have felt let down by lack of nhs help. I have worries on my mind I know going back to see her won’t change the reality of the situation.

And after the footballer experience I felt so annoyed I feel like never paying for anybody’s services again litaltey I felt like cancelling all my stag night entertainment and felt everybody was conning me out of money I know that’s prob rash but that’s how I felt. To have been demanded money upfront made me feel awful.

Plus it’s pretty bad the nhs are happy for me to go down the private route and won’t offer therapy and think exercise and YouTube is the answer.

They did give me some beta blockers that has reduced my anxiety quite a bit bit I still feel far from perfect I still have the awful ocd thoughts.

It’s a new year in a few weeks so I have some choices to make of which help I need. I would say I have felt awful since about April when I moved home so that’s 8 months feeling awful when I wake each morning it’s not easy. I’m sure it’s just the way I deal with the stress. The contamination ocd has taken its toll as well.

07-12-18, 22:57
My partner doesn’t want to be involved that’s the problem.

That's more than a problem! From my personal experience, Not being involved is a recipe for disaster.

Good luck Phil. I've given you many replies and suggestions but ultimately it's up to you.

Positive thoughts

08-12-18, 03:28
I’ve had 7 sessions and spent over £300 already she stopped as I was exploring some free nhs therapy to be told I can’t have any

Did they? I thought they offered a psychologist and relaxation-based therapy?

08-12-18, 09:24
Did they? I thought they offered a psychologist and relaxation-based therapy?

Yep that’s what they said

I could ask her for one session a month at 30 mins for £20? Might be less of a drain on my bank balance

16-01-19, 22:36
Update so it’s been a few months

Money is very tight but I opted to see the theripst as I have been struggling it’s the same theripst I had 7 sessions with. I feel I need to speak to somebody out with family so that was my choice.

Like I say money is tight no idea how long I will do it for this time but given how bad my ocd is I feel it can only help a bit

11-02-19, 12:57
Another update

My theripst has decided that I’m better now. I mentioned earlier on last week that treating my anxiety was better. She seems to think challenging my thoughts is the best solution. I also explained I stopped doing 90% of my compulsions like replacing stuff or washing. I explained I simply forget about thoughts. Like I do have some existence and contamination worries but I simply have to forget these thoughts as I have decided I don’t need the stress.

Some people may agree it’s best to stop thearpy or some may disagree but I’m sure she wouldn’t say stop if I still needed help. It may work out ok becuase I can save money and see how I get on without the help and on the other hand if I am struggling I can either go back to her or seek a new theripst which may have a different approach.

11-02-19, 13:10
I think recovery is a process you have to keep working at. You can still apply the strategies you learned in therapy to your daily life. You don't need endless sessions to do that.

You've suffered for a long time now and any breakthrough is to be welcomed but also remember that mental illness can creep up on us when we become complacent and think all is well.

And re your job situation on another thread, I would mention to your boss that as much as you'd like the extra hours/cash, you have to take into account your mental health and wellbeing.