View Full Version : Small pupil size

24-06-18, 20:17
I am extremely anxious. I'm bright sunlight my pupils become extremely tiny, smaller than both of my son's. I also am suffering poor sleep and I get should and finger jerks when I wake up and my eyes are closed. I also get strange sensations in my legs, I also have zero motivation to do anything,I don't do my job with the same gusto. Plus I have constipation. I'm really worried that I have a neurological disorders. This has been going on for 4 months now. I've paid for 2 MRI scans and both clear. My Dr just says it's anxiety and depression. I've been on citalopram for years and now take 15mg mitazapine to help with sleep, but it's hit and miss. Years ago I took mitazapine and it knocked me out. I've had blood tests and all that's been found is low free testotorone, low zinc and low vitamin d.

Can anxiety cause all of this or should I be worried?

24-06-18, 21:11
Try lowering the mirtazapine to 7.5mg. It has more of an antihistamine (ie sedative) effect at the lower dose. As you increase, the adrenergic effects kick in and it becomes more stimulating

24-06-18, 21:18
Thank you for your response I shall do that. I saw a shrink a few weeks back and he wanted to up the dose to 30mg. I said no

24-06-18, 21:21
The pupil size is your natural reaction to bright sunlight, nothing more. Concerning meds, Certainly follow the advice of the professionals but feel free to question and ask questions.

Positive thoughts

24-06-18, 21:22
Higher doses of mirt can increase anxiety because it boosts adrenaline along with serotonin at the AD dose of 30-45mg. You are already taking celexa for your anxiety and/or depression. If the mirtazapine is purely for sleep, I'd try 7.5mg and see whether you notice a difference.

24-06-18, 21:28
Respectfully Melfish. We're not qualified to offer dosage advice. Everyone is different and the OP should consult with medical and mental health professionals concerning dosages.

Positive thoughts

25-06-18, 09:56
Thank you for your replies. My main worry is I have SFI. I have all the symptoms and am the right age. Even though 2 MRI scans have come back clear.

25-06-18, 12:05
My main worry is I have SFI.

I was wondering what the root fear was. Ummmm... Nope! You're not going to be nor will you ever be one of the very few ever to get this since they started keeping records or even knew what it was :lac:

Positive thoughts

25-06-18, 12:29
My dad says the same. I've never had insomnia before accept when I went through SSRI withdrawal, but that got better. All the symptoms I'm getting are similar to the hat but not getting better. So why does my shoulder or stomach or finger jerks when I've woken up and my eyes are closed. If I open my eyes it doesn't happen. I close them and 5 minutes later it does it again. I get strange sensations in my legs line someone is grabbing my knee if I try to do something I have no sense of being hungry. Plus all the other symptoms I've mentioned? Oh I don't get panic attacks. This has been going on for 4 months now