View Full Version : Could any of these things be related?

25-06-18, 03:39
In the last month or so, I've been taking my klonopin more regularly (every night) for help sleeping. I got to the point that I didn't even try to sleep without it, I just took it. Plus I took it a few times during the day through the month for heightened anxiety. I took more than I was supposed to and ran out before I could get another refill. So, I'm not using it at all since last Thursday. I wasn't taking a very high dose, so i don't think I'm having withdrawal or anything, just anxious to not have it for a few days. Also, last Sunday I started taking antibiotics (Keflex) for an infected tick bite. I finished the antibiotics yesterday. Also, this month, I started taking a psyllium husk powder to help my digestive system. I also resumed a higher level of exercise. I work out 4-5 days a week for an hour or so. Mostly weight training, Pilates, and yoga.
So, my period is about 4-5 days late at this point. It's freaking me out, as do all irregularities with my body. I'm almost never late, but wondering if any of the meds/psyllium husk could be messing with my cycle. I don't like it at all if things are off. I have an appointment for my yearly exam with OBGYN on July 11th, but that seems so far away. Can anyone help, or share a similar experience? I'm having such a hard time tonight.

25-06-18, 04:49
I think medication changes can definitely cause menstrual irregularities, as can exercising a lot and stress in general. I haven’t taken klonipin but I definitely notice changes in my cycle when I’ve started or stopped Zoloft. Are you afraid you are pregnant? I don’t think a delayed period has any serious cause in the absence of other symptoms...

25-06-18, 14:44
My husband had a vasectomy, so I’m not worried I’m pregnant. I worry that the delay in my period is from something wrong with me. I’m trying to attribute it to possibly these medications, but just was wondering if anyone else had ever had their period delayed by one of these things.

---------- Post added at 09:44 ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 ----------

Truth be told, I’m starting to think this might be ovarian cancer. I’m fighting the urge to go to the urgent care today or call my gynecologist office. I did not go to the gym this morning, as I was too anxious and can’t stop worrying about why I haven’t started my period. I really wish I could deal with this stuff better. I’m in treatment, but I don’t understand why my HA still is so bad at times. Plus, now I feel like I’m going to have to chase down some tests to convince me I don’t have ovarian cancer. I’m struggling terribly today. I feel sorry for my kids, as I wanted them to have a nice summer, but they’re stuck with an anxiety ridden mother. I definitely have less patience when I’m anxious. I’m just scared I’m going to find out I’m dying and will have to leave them.

25-06-18, 20:32
I don't know what to do. I am not handling this anxiety well and am catastrophizing that I have ovarian cancer. I feel like I want to go to the ER so I can get an ultrasound and find out for sure. I called my OBGYN office and they can't see me for 2 more weeks. I don't have any of my meds to help me calm down. My husband thinks I am crazy. I NEED to know if all is ok. I called my psychiatrists office and they are closed on Mondays (of course). What are the chances this could be OC. I am 5 days late on my period and having some pelvic pain. I don't seem to be bloated or anything, but I don't know if you necessarily have to be. Could those darn antibiotics have messed things up? Luckily my kids are going to church with a friend tonight so they won't see me so keyed up. My oldest daughter has HA as well, and she would be in a state if she knew what I was thinking about. I try to hide it from them, but I get so short tempered when I'm anxious.

25-06-18, 20:47
What are the chances this could be OC.

For what it's worth, based on you having this fear a month ago and having been x-rayed, tested and examined by medical professionals, 0%

Positive thoughts

25-06-18, 20:52
Thanks, FMP. On the inside, I can recognize that this is probably HA. My brain tells me intrusive things, like, "x Rays won't show OC". I wish I had some meds to help me calm down. I appreciate your replying. It always helps to hear a voice of reason.

26-06-18, 02:53
Well, I ended up in the ER this evening. The doctor wasn't at all concerned and didn't want to do a scan (which was difficult for me to hear, as scans provide me the ultimate reassurance). She said if I had an ovarian tumor big enough to cause pain, she'd be able to feel it, or it would be eliciting a lot of pain when she pressed on the area. I guess I feel a bit better, although I need to get over this thought that I need to have a scan every time I have pain.

26-06-18, 16:06
My doctor has increased my Klonopin dose. I haven't had any in several days, and am very hopeful that this will help me through until I see my therapist on Wednesday and my gyn on July 11th.