View Full Version : iron tablets?????

28-07-07, 19:33
hi everyone
just a question if you could help i would be very grateful:)
do any of you who have ever been on iron tablets have a upset stomach whilst takin them?e.g feel sick or a funny stomach?i thought they were meant to give you constipation but ive got diahorrea too!!!!!!:blush: :blush:
my iron levels were really low(5)which is because of my heavy periods(sorry tmi)
many thanks to you for reading this
take care
rach x x x

28-07-07, 20:18
Hi Cee

My sister gets really sick when she takes iron supplements and gets diarrhroea too so you are not alone. Iron tablets are meant to be quite severe on the digestive process.

Ellen :hugs:

28-07-07, 22:04
Hi there

Don't worry about the tmi lol. The only time I needed iron was when pregnant, and I was told to take with food and drink lots of orange juice. But I think that was to avoid constipation so that probably won't help you.

My best advice would be to speak to your pharmacist, I find this easier than getting an appointment at the doctor, and they are usually really helpful. the ones in Boots are good.

28-07-07, 22:13
ceecee, I have had some problems with Iron tablets in the past. I was advised to try something called Floradix which you can buy at health food shops. It's an Iron tonic (liquid form) and seems to be a lot easier to digest.

I have used it several times over the last few years and it seems to work well.
Hopefully you can find a shop which sells it close to you. If not, I think it can be bought online.
Hope this helps you.

28-07-07, 23:06
Me and my sister have both find this source of iron really helpful to offset our heavy periods.

www.spatone.co.uk (http://www.spatone.co.uk)

You can get them in Boots if you ask at the pharmacy.

Love Piglet :flowers:

29-07-07, 13:15
Hi ceecee,

iron can cause both constipation and/or diarrhoea and some people feel quite nauseous too. There are liquid preparations which are supposed to be easier on your tummy, but I think the concentrations of iron in them are lower therefore would take longer to correct any anaemia. The reason orange juice is recommended with iron is because vitamin c helps with the absorption of iron, therefore its more effective. Obviously though this wont help with the diarrhoea...I would see either your pharmacist or GP and let them know that youre finding the iron difficult to tolerate.

Good luck

Coni XX

29-07-07, 13:21

Yes Ive had probs like this with iron tabs!!!

It is better if you take them with food tho

Luv Kaz x

29-07-07, 18:59
Hi CeeCee,

I was very anemic too (not for your reason though) and had to take prescription iron pills. I also couldn't take them as they upset my stomach no matter how much I ate. I took the liquid iron but I must tell you it will stain everything and anything including your teeth, but eventually your teeth will whiten up. If it is a serious deficiency and I was about to have to do this they can give iron by IV.

By the way, I may be wrong but I think I read somewhere if you drink milk something like 2 hours after taking iron it will hinder absorbing the iron. If anyone knows that I'm wrong, please correct me. Thanks.


30-07-07, 17:00
hi everyone who replied
thankyou all sooooooo much!!!!!!
knowing i can come on here and give and recieve advice is brill
thanks again guys
take care
rach x x x :)

02-08-07, 09:57
Yes I am on ferrous gluconate, was on sulphate and they gave me an awful stomach ache (the runs also) ask your GP to change them, gluconate is alot more gentle.

02-08-07, 10:04

Yes with iron tablets they suggest you shouldn't have milk or caffeine 1 hour before and 1 hour after taking the tablet otherwise that will hinder the absorbtion of the iron.



03-08-07, 12:14
thanks cherry 3 & sazziesaz
got to be on them for 3 months!has anyone had to be on them this long?
my iron level was 5!!!!!
take care everyone
rach x x x

03-08-07, 13:09
Hi im taking ferrous sulphate after a blood test said i was short of iron,my reading was 11 which they said was slight and take them now or it would go worse.The doctor told me i could get constipation,or some people get the diahorrea,i get a funny stomach and sometimes diahorrea,i need to take them for 3 months but what i dont understand is what i do then,will my levels be normal and how long will they stay normal how will i know?love tracy

06-08-07, 14:05
hi tracey
after the 3 months are up they will give you another blood test,if you are back to normal levels they will not do anything else.what you could do is just take a iron supplement which gives you the daily recommended amount that way you know you are getting enough iron:)
take care hun
hope you are well on them!i,m getting a little more used to them now:)
rach x x x

05-10-10, 15:33
Hi, you could try spatone instead? You drink it with orange juice and no abdominal pain, no constipation just iron. Much easier than the iron tablets!:)

05-10-10, 15:57
Try spatone as someone else said - I just drink it straight from the little packet sachet and is very gentle on the stomach. I have IBS so have to be careful.