View Full Version : Unavoidable appointment, need advice pls

25-06-18, 18:06
Hi everyone,
Ive been experiencing panic attacks and Ibs for the past 8years, and depression
For as long as i can remember. I will most likely do a post on the introductions thread soon, but for now I just wanted to ask for some tips.
I have just finished my 13 weeks of extended period of sickness on JSA, which I was on as i was having panic attacks at the job centre and couldnt attend appointments anymore. I have to go back this Thursday for a ‘work search review’ and i am absolutely dreading it. I can feel my IBS starting to flare up again after it only just calmed down.
I get anxiety in situations that i cannot easily leave, no idea why?! But anything like appointments, interviews, drs dentists etc. I get the thought that ‘what if i need to leave? I cant just walk out in the middle of something, then all the symptoms starr up and im sat there thinking just please hurry up because i NEED to leave, now! I have periods where my anxiety fizzles out and situations i have previously been terrified of, seem pretty ok and normal and i wonder to myself why was i so afraid? I was doing pretty well until november last year I had a job interview, and very unexpectedly I started feeling panicked during it and was seeiously considering just walking out without saying a word.
I have applied for ESA before and scored 0. I have considered reapplying as i genuinely think I qualify for it, but indont think incould cope with another medical , the reconsideration and tribunal etc.
So, if i dont attend my appointment on thursday, i wont get any money to live on . The interview is on the 3rd floor and i have been ringing all day to ask that they see me on the ground floor, i dont know why but being on upper levels makes me more anxious. I will be taking my phone with me and some downloaded netflix shows to watch while i wait, probably loads of chewing gum and mints, a squishy, some tisserand aromatherapy roller ball thing, anything to distract me. I am going to be worrying about it all week though, has anyone got any advice please, or in a similar situation?

25-06-18, 20:17
Well the meeting is unavoidable so your coping mechanisms will really help. I use all of those ones too! I would really suggest breathing exercises too. If you start practicing them a few times a day now, you should be able to use them effectively for the meeting.

I also once had a panic attack in a job interview, it happened and it was horrible, but I stayed and I’m proud of that.

I think you’ll surprise yourself and be absolutely fine if you use all your relaxation methods.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-06-18, 22:02
Thanks, Scass. Looks like I’ll just have to try and hope for the best

02-07-18, 22:08
First of all you just need to take more time then other (maybe driven) people.
You deserve it.
No Shame for your 'panic-attacks' AT ALL.
You are not a patient that has THIS OR THAT:
You are yourself and just need to change your life so that it suits your well being.
Replace your fears with things that you enjoy without any needyness.
This is why you are here.
You don't need to scream NO NO NO to everything that comes to your mind.
Focus on your everyday living.
Look around, if your were dead you couldn't see all this.
So you are NOT dead :D
Your body knows it's all nonsense and part of you ALSO.
Allow yourself to smile about things
Don't try to 'endgain'.
There is no 'endgain' in life :D
Enjoy MANY things in live, don't 'cling' on just one thing.
Enjoy a thing and move on to the next.
For example enjoy cooking, enjoy chilling a bit, enjoy showering, enjoy hobby 1, enjoy hobby 2.^^
Don't make any unnecessary fixations on any thing.
Maybe this keeps you grounded.
So when one thing doesn't goes the way you like (ohhhhhhh ^^) you still have other things to enjoy.
Enjoying and laughing is natural.
If you want to cry a bit then cry, if you tremble a bit then let it tremble.
All that is natural, but don't get overly fixated on that.
Don't be sad about political and other happenings in the world.
Your are the BOSS.
Don't fixate on idols or something like that (question their 'perfection', it's marketing).
It's your ERA.

Just see how far you come with this or that today. Like in an experiment. Don't try to force anything.
Don't try to get something away that isn't your fault in the first place.
Improvements will come for you.

I found solutions for all my 'fears' and 'panic attacks' on this homepage.
Might be challenging, but these answers are truly self empowering and not just playing around
And you will be one of the VERY few people that got to deeper understanding of all this

Love yourself completely everyday.
Everything else might be just a waste of time.
Small improvements are still improvements.
And improvements WILL come if you keep self-loving ^^

It might be that you are all very special people (and it might be in a very hope-giving way)
I had similiar problems and all are gone now and it never even was my own fault
Take your time.
You have aaaaaaaaalll the time.
Your body will NEVER act against you.
Never believe any nonsense.
Keep a good diet (for example, more whole grain carbohydrates, good fats(coconut oil, flax seed oil etc.) and enough sleep.
If you can't sleep just chill in the bed, you will still get rejuvenation
And also lie down 3 or 4 times or however often during the daytime to give yourself a bit more relaxation, if it's calming you down.
Let no one say how you should live your life. Don't try to be sheepy, like other schmocks

All the best and stay awesome