View Full Version : Sizeable Ovarian cyst

25-06-18, 21:48
The results of my ultrasound showed I have a large ovarian cyst on my right ovary. Although after the scan I asked the sonographer if I had anything to worry about she said no. I had some cysts but nothing to worry about.
My doctor has called today and said she’s received the report and sending me for an urgent referral to investigate this and said she’s treating it as suspected ovarian cancer and should be seen within 2 weeks.
I had a scan February 2017 and everything was clear so I’m really shocked.
Any one had a similar experience with a positive outcome?

25-06-18, 22:04
I'm not sure how much this will help.

Back in November I went to the gp because I had a load of health issues (won't go into detail). She sent me for a ultrasound to see if I had gallstones. The person who did my scan said everything was fine and sent me on my way. The next day the hoistpal called to say they wanted to do a ct scan. There was something not right with my kidneys. I blawed down the phone to my gp. She didn't think that was possible. She called the hoistpal trying to tell them I had issues with my kidneys when I was younger but they wouldn't listen and kept saying I needed the scan.

So I went and got it done. I cried for days. They took ages to get back to me. Through the stress I lost shout 3 stones in a month. After all that they called me in and just said that one kidney for some reason had grown the wrong way around and I can't remember the reasons he gave me for looking because panic took over.

I wish you the very best xxx

25-06-18, 22:31
Thank you for your reply. Fingers crossed for a similar result. ����X

26-06-18, 00:53
A sizeable cyst can be just that, a large cyst. A friend of mine had to have her cyst surgically removed due to its size and it not being responsive to birth control pills. It still very much can be a large cyst. They don’t play with ovarian cancer so they most likely are wanting to rule it out completely to keep you safe. As scary as this any seem, it’s probably more of a precaution.

Similar to above, my ARNP wanted me urgently seen for a fat dark diagonal line in my big toe, I didn’t think it was bad until she did. I was seen urgently and it ended up being cut down and the podiatrist told me it’s bc my toenail was lifted and when it sperated from the skin it bled and dried under my toe nail in that area. I freaked out. I don’t know if I ate or how I moved until I was given the all clear. So I pray that’s the case for you as well. Thankfully our doctors, while it does create more anxiety in us, are diligent and getting us quick referrals to be treated fast!

26-06-18, 11:59
Thank you. I’m trying to stay calm and actually much better than I ever emagined I would x

26-06-18, 12:24
Good for you Leah. That’s half the battle, you’re doing great.

26-06-18, 12:54
Thank you. I’ve just received my appointment for Monday (my daughters 8th birthday ��) I asked what will happen at the appointment and she said it’s just a consultation about the scan. I was expecting another scan or something similar after what my doctor said. Now I don’t know whether to relax a little or be more worried?

26-06-18, 17:59
Think of questions for the doctor, presumably a specialist, and bring them with you. I’m sure they are going to ask you a few more questions then make a plan on how to go about healing the cyst.

03-07-18, 02:11
Your doc really used the wrong words with you. I’m sure a sonographer sees these things all the time - although they aren’t certified to do so, many of them can tell the difference between sinister and normal looking cysts. You very likely have a benign cyst! I do think your doctor could have been more empathetic and simply said the cyst needs to be looked at - not Because of cancer though. Ovarian cancer is a rare disease, other benign causes are a LOT more probable. Please keep us updated!

03-07-18, 14:04
Hi Katniss
You are 100% spot on. My doctor totally used the wrong words. Even the Gynaecologist thought so when I saw them yesterday. It turns out I have a 6cm cyst that they will check again in 6 weeks but said they wasn’t worried about. After looking at the scans they didn’t even want me to do a blood test. I am so relieved.
Thank you all for your reassurance it has really helped me. XX

03-07-18, 19:11
I am so glad your appt went well! If it starts bothering you, you can always remove it. I know a friend that had hers removed. BUT, if that scares you then just wait til it goes away itself. 6 cm is not that big. Are you having discomfort? And glad they will monitor for a bit. But if it was sinister they would have never waited, so that’s definitely a relief.

Also, I had a cyst about 2 to 3 cm earlier this year. It didn’t go away for a few months so don’t get worried if it’s still there when you go back.

11-07-18, 23:33
Thank you katniss
Not discomfort, just irregular bleeding, light spotting. I’ve received my follow up appointment for early September. The support from everyone on here has helped me massively. X

08-09-18, 20:09
I just wanted to update this thread to give anyone experiencing similar symptoms some positivity and not assume the worst.

I had my 2nd scan which showed the cyst had decreased in size and I was discharged as no longer a concern.
I also had a colposcopy to check my cervix for an explanation for the bleeding. I have a cervical erosion. The doctor was happy to not treat it unless the bleeding becomes a problem but for the last 2 cycles I have become regular at 28 days with it lasting 7 days which is normal for me again.

I just want to thank everyone for supporting me through my anxiety whilst I had to wait for my tests etc. It really helped x