View Full Version : New here but not to heart worries

26-06-18, 01:44
A few years ago after having a few too many drinks I felt bad, had weird feelings in my chest, chest tightness, etc for months. I had stress test (negative, started exercise regime, lost a little weight and the symptoms went away.

Well two months ago, I had 6-8 beverages over a 10-hour period, woke up feeling terrible, and the last two months I've had the following symptoms

- rapid heart rate - first one to appear & still have it, even when waking in morning (am new to cpap therapy so apnea is controlled) and heart rate rises fast after very little exertion and is very slow to slow down, averages mid 80's at rest which is not normal for me
- dizziness first couple weeks - has subsided
- shortness of breath - at rest, which has gotten worse, miserable thinking about every breath I take every day, and it's not going away
- weird flutter type sensation in heart area, haven't had lately but did first 6 weeks
- Left side of chest tightness, tender to touch
- strange feelings in left arm
- have generally not felt well
- loss of interest at times, lack of motivation at times
- I don't know what anxiety feels like but my symptoms are on my mind all day every day

EKG showed nothing abnormal
Stress test good went 13+ min except heart did not want to slow down (techs seemed concerned, doc had no explanation other than I'm out of shape which I am.

Doc says my body/nervous system is stuck in stress mode and prescribed anxiety med which has done nothing.

I've had lifelong asthma and am obese, although not extremely, I am able to complete yard work etc but heart races even for hours afterward, no family history of heart disease, on high blood pressure meds which was controlled until this nightmare two months

HELP I don't know what's wrong and can't take the daily shortness of breath and other symptoms any longer, any input is appreciated as I feel like something is wrong with my heart, not all in my head~

26-06-18, 07:32
Sounds like alcohol induced anxiety/panic.... and anxiety/panic feeds off anxiety and panic. So you drink your mind has an anxiety attack then is stuck in panic mode... speak
To doctor about propranolol/inderal to calm your physical Symptoms down and then think about whether it is worth consuming alcohol if this is what it does. I used to consume 3/4 beers a night and I stopped when I entered depression. I only Drink weekends now but the anxiety the next day from Drinking is awful - so
I’m far from Preaching


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