View Full Version : I went out

21-12-04, 15:39
I went out today, ok it was't very far the top of my stret to be precise but i went out never the less!!!
And i never had a panic attack i did before i went out but once over the front door i was okish

i just wanted to share that news with you all,i'm signing up for cbt group it will start in january so hopefully i'll be wizzing around in no time...lol

I feel like doing a wee dance YIPEE!!! lol

Thank you all for your help you are a great bunch and have been so supportive...i think theres light at the end of the tunnel.


21-12-04, 16:54
maxine, I am realy happy for u, keep up the good work[8D] Cya later in chat, take care Vernon

21-12-04, 17:15
Hi Maxine

Well done you!!!!!

Thats great news! It doesnt matter that you didnt go far, the fact that you got past your front door is what does matter. Its best to start small amd work yourself up anyway. If you did a big journey the first time and scared yourself stupid it would probably set you back anyway eh?
I remember the first time I actually managed to go out after goodness knows how many months of never leaving home. Its a nervous but great feeling isnt it??

keep it up

love Sarah

21-12-04, 17:40
Well done Maxine!! Keep up the good work!! :D

21-12-04, 17:51
Well done Maxine.

As others have said it doesn't matter how far you went, just getting past the front door is progress. It helps to keep repeating this and going a short distance regularly.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-12-04, 18:11
Hi Maxine

Well done :D

Small steps is the way forward so that each day you can go a little further until you build up the confidence.

Are you going to try again tomorrow as well?

May catch you later in chat, I didn't get chance to talk to you much last night so sorry about that.

Great news[:P]


21-12-04, 18:27
well done keep at it

fan x

21-12-04, 19:09
Hi Maxine.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and this
step you have made is a journey towards that light.

Keep up the good work.


You can conquar almost any fear
if you will only make up your mind to do so.
Remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in your mind.

21-12-04, 19:11
Hi Maxine

Good to hear you went out. Doesn't matter how far it is, it's a start and a big achievment for you. You have to base it on your own personal progress - no one elses. Yours - and by the sounds of it you have done good.

You just have to make sure you keep on doing these things. Try a little bit everyday, and eventually you'll get further and further.

Good luck with the CBT too, I'm sure it will do you wonders.


21-12-04, 19:33
Hi Maxine,

Thats great news. Congratulations and a big well done to you! Keep up those small steps and they will get you far!

Take care,


21-12-04, 20:00
That's great news, some people don't thinkit's hard to walk to the end of the road but it's a step in the right direction and i know how difficult it can be.

Keep up the good work, it's great! :D

21-12-04, 21:47
Well done Maxine, take it slowly one step at a time, you should feel really proud of yourself, keep in touch.

21-12-04, 22:30
Brilliant progress Maxine .

Do the same thing each day until its comfortable and you're itching to go further. Then do the next small step and repeat until comfortable.

Do not try to move on too fast but do go out each day ..


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-12-04, 23:56

that's made my night, I love positive news:D

Blonde Andi xx

23-12-04, 03:59
Great news, Maxine.
As everyone says, slow but sure, a few steps at a time.
I was unable to get out of the door for months & found, in the end, that just doing a bit more each day worked .
It's a great feeling, though, isn't it when you can finally get out, even for a short time.

Hope it continues to go well for you.

Linda. xx