View Full Version : The never ending wheel of reassurance seeking

26-06-18, 13:02
Someone talk some sense into me, please! My most recent fixation has been multiple myeloma or bone cancer. I've had a tender spot in my left ribs for at least a year, and for the last few months, on the right side as well. I hadn't really thought anything about it to be honest. Last year, when I lived in the United States, I had a visit with a naturopath in January 2017, and my regular doctor in April 2017.

At the naturopath in January, my WBC count was every so slightly raised (11.5), normal range 4.0-10.5, my MCHC was slightly low (31.8), normal range 32.0-36.0, and my RDW was slightly high (14.2), normal range 11.5-14.0.

At my GP visit in April, my WBC count was 10.33, MCHC 32.2, RDW was 14, with an ESR was 43 which was the only result flagged as abnormal.

Neither doctor called any attention to these results. I hadn't thought about them since last year.

My ribs have been super tender and I started googling (mistake number one), and of course the top result was multiple myeloma and bone cancer. Then I started reading and it mentions raised WBC, low MCHC, and high RDWs as trademarks of these diseases.

I don't have a doctor here in New Brunswick, Canada, as there is a shortage. I've been to the local walk in clinic a few times, and mentioned the ESR from last year to the doctor and my rib pain and he didn't seem concerned. Because once is never enough for me, I went back just to see if he thought I needed imaging and said I'd had "slightly abnormal blood work" last year but didn't specify, and again he wasn't concerned and said I'd be really sick if it was MM.

I've continued seeing a chiropractor who said it was a "weird spot" for pain, which set me off, and then asked if I'd had any imaging, so of course I took that as a sign that she felt something was wrong.

Yesterday I went again to a physician's assistant to ask explain my back pain and ask if I needed imaging. We had a great talk, he felt around my back/ribs, and didn't think it was anything insidious. I left feeling great, but then I realized I didn't mention last year's blood work and now I feel like I should've. Should I go back one last time? I'm thinking logically no, I shouldn't, but I can't shake that nagging voice.

Thanks for reading my super long post!

26-06-18, 14:00
It's been a long period of time. If it was serious you'd be getting ill or even worse by now! Abnormal blood work is not always a sign of a serious problem. We're not machines that easily fit into one set of statistics or another.

Naturally I can't tell you what's wrong, if anything. It would definitely be advisable to get a GP if possible. I appreciated it may difficult where you live but you should try. It doesn't sound to me like you need to rush back to a physician but obviously I'm no expert. It certainly sounds like you could do with treating the anxiety you suffer from.

The ball's in your court really. My plan of action in your position would be to get a GP at all costs and talk it all through with him/her. Talk the anxiety through and talk the blood results through and what other doctors have said. Then let your GP decide where you go from there (I'm assuming GPs in Canada are your usual first port of call as they are in the UK but forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong).

26-06-18, 15:46
Thank you for your reply! GPs (or Family Doctors) as they are called here are absolutely the first port of call here. Currently in my province though, there is an actual waitlist for one, and I believe there's about 30,000 people on it. As I just moved here last year, I'm pretty far down the list. In the absence of Family Doctor's we have to rely on walk-in clinics or emergency rooms. I did bring up the ESR with the walk-in clinic doc, and he was unconcerned. I mentioned "slightly abnormal bloodwork" as well, and again, he didn't seem concerned and agreed I'd be much sicker if it was something serious. I don't know why I'm so fixated on this issue, as usually a "don't worry" from a doctor has been enough for me lately.

I did talk to the walk-in doctor about my anxiety and am currently on Effexor (week 5), though I may have to scale back the dosage as it has caused my blood pressure to rise quite a bit. I'm also due for my first therapy visit in July. :) Thank you again for the response!