View Full Version : Doctors making things worse...

17-06-18, 22:55
So, been having abdominal pain for a few months now (been dealing with lots of other health anxiety, on the back of my divorce finalizing at the start of the year), which has migrated to being on the right side (though the whole belly can be tender if pressed).

Like so many others, i have made the mistake of googling.. and just am terrified the doctor tomorrow will find colon cancer. We have no family history of it, and my only obvious symptom has been pain (i have been losing weight, but that was a concentrated effort to eat less and better, as well as walking more, stairs, etc...). My bathroom habits haven't been horribly changed, but they have gone back and forth at times.

But it is so hard right now, despite everything, to not fear cancer. I have pain.. it can be localized. No matter how much i read on IBS boards and such, how other people have the same.. i worry that mine is different. And then i find the rare case where people say they are also 34 and had stage 4 CC.... and i just lose it. I am so afraid of leaving my daughter behind (her mother is mostly out of her life now.. which is sad, as she is only 4). I just have no idea how to handle this stress.

I have started therapy (next session is this week ironically), but in the back of my mind. it says why bother.. i will be dead soon, which just depresses the hell out of me more..

17-06-18, 23:21
Don't jump straight on the cancer route. It could be nothing or IBS, Crohn's, Colitis, Diverticular.

You will find out soon enough for sure but be positive.

17-06-18, 23:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


17-06-18, 23:28
Don't jump straight on the cancer route. It could be nothing or IBS, Crohn's, Colitis, Diverticular.

You will find out soon enough for sure but be positive.
I know that is the logical though - at my age, its not the first thought. And since i dont have most other symptoms, it really isn't the first thought. BUt my HA (or as the therapist said, somatic symptom disorder) works. Because pain and be a symptom, my anxiety assumes it is.
It also doesn't help that I saw the doc Thursday, and was scheduled for Monday. Though, it was the scheduler, and I just said gimme the first available.. and low and behold.. heh

Mind you, i worry about things even after they are proven ok (or not as bad, like my heart). But yeah.....

18-06-18, 06:05
I know that is the logical though - at my age, its not the first thought. And since i dont have most other symptoms, it really isn't the first thought. BUt my HA (or as the therapist said, somatic symptom disorder) works. Because pain and be a symptom, my anxiety assumes it is.
It also doesn't help that I saw the doc Thursday, and was scheduled for Monday. Though, it was the scheduler, and I just said gimme the first available.. and low and behold.. heh

Mind you, i worry about things even after they are proven ok (or not as bad, like my heart). But yeah.....

Ahhhh, stomach pain and fears of colon cancer - these were the two symptoms I first experienced when I began my journey with hypochondriasis (health anxiety) three years ago.

Like you, my fears were the result of having stomach aches, followed by changing bowel movements and eventually hemorrhoids that led to visible blood in my stool (far too much information, I know!) At first, colon cancer was the obvious suspect for my highly anxious brain. This led to a stool sample and eventually a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy was a piece of cake - they knocked me out and it was over before I thought it even began! They didn’t find anything to my surprise except yes, hemorrhoids. The stomach pain continued and a year later, I went back. I insisted this time on them checking both my colon and my stomach - I asked them to check for colon cancer again, as well as take biopsies for colitis and celiac disease. Guess what? All negative. By this point, I was convinced that I had celiac disease because I kept having the stomach aches as well as these itchy as hell rashes on my elbows. So, I went through allergen testing both with skin pricks, and antibody blood testing, as well as a biopsy of my rashes and guess what? All negative. I did find out that I was allergic to dairy as a side note.

Also, the great thing about colonoscopies is that once you start having them, they typically put you on a schedule to have them once every 5-10 years which actually not only reduces but prevents your risk of colon cancer. The reason for this is that polyps, which are quite common in most adults, need to be removed because there is a chance they may become cancerous. But colon cancer literally takes decades to develop, like 20-30 years in most cases.

So.... fear not. You likely don’t have anything terrible happening to you and you are actually taking a preventative step that will ensure nothing crazy happens to you in the future.

Best of luck!

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18-06-18, 07:25
Apprecaite the wishes.

If i am honest, this all started with my anxiety at the start of the year, with my ex-wife moving out, starting my cpap therapy, which started my heart worry... i know i was feeling pretty much ok in the Gi regards before that. Unfortunately, my mind says that all must be coincidence, and this is different. And since i have pain in one spot more than others, it trips me up that it HAS to be sinister... even though i read IBS can do this still...

Anyway, second round of liquid plastic starts now.. god this sucks...

18-06-18, 07:44
Good luck!
You’ll get some answers today, so as much as it’s a horrible experience, it’s one that you can start moving on from.

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18-06-18, 08:24
Good luck!
You’ll get some answers today, so as much as it’s a horrible experience, it’s one that you can start moving on from.

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Problem is.. its some of those answers that scares the crap out of me......

18-06-18, 10:38
Problem is.. its some of those answers that scares the crap out of me......

And that’s why we’re here. I just had those same fears having an endoscopy and now it’s done I can start to formulate a plan with my gp to move forward.

Edit to add: I also have a 4 year old. I know what you’re feeling on that scale too.

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18-06-18, 15:10
Thanks again for the support. You are right of course.. I certainly wouldn't be here without my unrelenting worry. I just hope beyond hope that it's only my worry causing issues, and nothing more

---------- Post added at 10:10 ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 ----------

Hey guys.. well, that was.. ugh.. fun..

The prep was brutal.. damn liquid plastic to drink. But I did it ok, and all was coming out clear before the procedure. I got there ok, and the nursing staff were very nice. Then the anesthesia doc came by....

He started looking at things, and noted what they wrote in my chart. Somebody noted on my chart that I had congestive heart failure, which sent my bp skyrocketing. The doctor looked at my hospital results again, and said that call was wrong. I only had mild LVH and grade 1 diastolic disfunction (seems to be normal with LVH), but nothing at all saying heart failure. But eff me if that didn't freak me out. I wanted to punch two cardiologist before that as neither said anything about failure.. Thankfully, he was very kind, and went over all the results, and reassured me things were good, especially since I had no other symptoms.

Anyway.. they gave me something for the anxiety and then I was out. So.. the real news....


Not a damn thing. No polyps, no ulcers, or diverticulitis. I do have hemmoroid, which explains the bleeding I had before. But I also have too many pictures now which show very clean guts...

Looks like it's likely all stress and IBS

18-06-18, 15:39
There you go see - as I suspected nothing found.

Great news.

18-06-18, 15:56
Heh.. you were quite right. Ironically still in pain, but I am way, way less worried about it

18-06-18, 16:43
Hurrah for good news!!

So back to your gp for help with ibs & Anxiety? So pleased for you.

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18-06-18, 18:51
Hurrah for good news!!

So back to your gp for help with ibs & Anxiety? So pleased for you.

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Correct - Back to the GP for that. Still have to work with the GI for my one elevated liver enzyme (ALT), but i suspect that is the fatty liver i was diagnosed with (which i am hoping my current diet and 30lb loss is helping with).

26-06-18, 18:41
So, like many others, i have vague problems (specifically, gastro issues, with pains that come and go (but can last for days, but have been happening for months)), that started after all my stress of divorce and start of extreme anxiety.

Of course, like many others, i have followed up with docs to help figure things out. Right now, i am working with the GI, and i feel like his.. overexuberance.. is putting me in overdrive. Following my visit, I had a colonoscopy scheduled for 4 days later, and another blood draw for my liver (one LFT had originally been high). The colonoscopy came back completely fine, and the LFT improved significantly from the first (the ALT was now JUST over the high.. about half the value before).

But, he still wanted to be sure, so even though he knows i am doing a draw THIS week for my GP, i get to do another LFT in a month (stress 1). Even more though, since i am still experiencing the pain, he is now jumping to an MRI.. but hasn't even said what he is looking for.

So, I feel like i can't even relax at this point, and try to get things square, because we just keep jumping from thing to think. My anxiety cant get a break with every week involving a test or an appointment, and so far, the only thing really found is my blood pressure is high and my liver is a bit fatty. The rational part of me knows this all started with my stress and anxiety, but when you feel physical things, docs can't seem to let go. I know its their job, but... yeah..

I just want to rest.... sometime...

26-06-18, 18:50
Sounds like CYA medicine to me. Especially in the US where healthcare is for profit, you keep going in, they’ll keep running tests. The best way to break the cycle is discuss the anxiety with your doctor in parallel. That way he can address both and hopefully cut things off here.

26-06-18, 18:57

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


ps please do not delete your posts once you have moved onto a new worry. What has been said on previous posts can help other people and it prevents posters from following your history.

26-06-18, 19:19
Sounds like CYA medicine to me. Especially in the US where healthcare is for profit, you keep going in, they’ll keep running tests. The best way to break the cycle is discuss the anxiety with your doctor in parallel. That way he can address both and hopefully cut things off here.
I emphasized my anxiety, but since the doctor is a bit older, i think he comes from a more "practical" school of thought, there pain must always be a measurable issue.

I agree that this feels like CYA, which is why i posed back the question of "what specifically are you looking for"? Maybe other people can, but i can't afford (mentally and physically) a goose chase without cause. I feel like there is plenty to check for before the expensive tests.. and of course, for a guy like me, the jumping right to MRI is a great way to spike my anxiety (which in turn spikes my blood pressure, which *IS* killing me.....)..