View Full Version : Do we feel fatigue differently than others?

27-06-18, 00:16
Just wondering if others here feel fatigue the same way I do. I am a personal trainer (58 yrs old) and depending on the day and how many people I see I can get pretty tired. Instead of just embracing the fatigue for what it is I try to fight through it when I should rest instead. That then makes my anxiety worse and it spirals out of control. I get so tired that sometimes I get light headed and of course then it’s brain cancer, etc, etc. I’m sure you all know the drill. Anyway, just wondering...

27-06-18, 00:34
Great question. I'm curious too. I do know that I've always been much more prone to HA if I'm lacking solid sleep, especially after several nights like that in a row. To me a solid 8-9 hours is a must have.

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27-06-18, 00:53
Yes 8 hrs is a must for me as well.

27-06-18, 09:52
I don't think you feel fatigue differently, I think you have more of it to feel.

This mental state puts enormous strain on your bodily resources.

Whatever a 'normal' person needs in terms of nutrition, we need double. Nutrition is an often forgotten ingredient in coping with anxiety and ultimate recovery.

It's also important to make time for active relaxation during the day, not just flopping down in front of the TV at the end of it. Take 2-3 times throughout the day where you just sit and breathe (or better yet, meditate) for 10 minutes. It makes a huge difference.