View Full Version : My Daily Symptoms

27-06-18, 21:11
Hi all,

I'm new here, and first of all I want to say that anyone suffering from panic/anxiety issues has my deepest sympathies. I would rather have 10 teeth pulled than go through a bad panic attack. That pain is at least physical, and real relief can be found.

I've lived with these issues for the last 20-odd years, with the last 3 being the worst by far - when they came one day and never went away. I'm currently on 250mg Trazodone per day to help me manage the depression and anxiety. They work well enough to put me to sleep, where I will wake up with symptoms still present.

Anyhow, the following is what I experience every day, all day, in varying degrees of severity. The are listed from the most prevalent and troublesome to the least:

1. Depersonalization & Derealization
2. Burning sensation on left side of the head
3. Brain Fog & Confusion
4. Shortness of breath & chest pressure
5. Gastrointestinal problems & nausea
6. Profuse sweating whether hot or cold

I have come to learn to ignore my heart, because if I didn't, I'd be convinced I was having a heart attack at most any time of the day. I keep antihistamines and lavender about to help with the symptoms as best they can, but they don't do much in the way of actually alleviating symptoms. Not the way ibuprofen will chase off a headache.

I don't take recreational drugs. I used to drink, which would return the equilibrium between my head and body, until I discovered I don't get hangovers - just massive attacks instead. I can consume caffeine, but I have to be very careful with it, as it can push the anxiety levels up a few notches.

Needless to say, this has greatly diminished my quality of life. I dread everything because I am constantly in a state of unwarranted fear that arises moment by moment out of thin air. It's hard to explain to people who don't know what this feels like to sufficiently illustrate how debilitating and pervasive it can be.

Don't bother going to a physician looking for help. They'll only tell you what every fibre of your being disagrees with: There's nothing wrong with you. Which, they are right, after all. I just wish someone could help me kill this torturous phantom before it kills me.

Good luck everyone.