View Full Version : 2am {not on a new york subway}

29-07-07, 03:39
Do,nt know if you know the song, {it,s actually 4am on a new york subway}Thing is i seem to wake up every flipin morning at this time, when i,m not at work that is.I went to bed at 12 15 am and still i wake up, had a warm glass of milk, it used to do the trick but not any more. do,nt seem to have anything on my mind . your thoughts please.:shrug:

29-07-07, 19:15
Odd you should say that, I wake up at 3:00 am my time every morning. I don't get out of bed though, I just lay there until I fall back to sleep, but I do check the time and yep it is 3 am! Drives me mad :madness: . Somehow I think I have trained my bodyclock to do this, I just don't know how to untrain it. :mad: Wonder how many others are out there? :shrug:

Laura :)

29-07-07, 19:25
I went through a phase of waking up an hour after I went to sleep, but in the end that went. However, I still suffer from insomnia.

My Occupational Therapist has advised that if I'm not asleep within 15 minutes, I should get up and make myself busy and keep repeating the 15 minute rule each time. On some nights, that has helped, others not.

It is the sub-concious that is keeping us awake or waking us up, and so that's why we think we can't understand why we can't get the proper sleep.

It was great that I woke around 11 this morning - that is so so exceptional!

Take care :hugs:

30-07-07, 16:05

Do you know why our sub-conscious is doing it? Is it from anxiety? This is very interesting to me. Thanks in advance.

