View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer Fear Back with a vengence

17-04-18, 23:45
Hello all it's been a long time since I've posted on here . I thought I had my Hypochondriac fears beat for the longest time. But for the last 3 weeks I've had horrible upper Back Pain. Usually whenever I twist my torso I get a sharp pain that spans from the right all the way to the left. If I lay still or move slowly it's better. But the last few days when I lay on my left side the pain comes back and settles to a dull cramp. I'm freaking out because I heard upper back pain can be a symptom of Pancreatic Cancer. I'm so stressed fearing this deadly disease it has got me very depressed. By the way I'm a male 34 years old and overweight. Can someone please help with this fear it's starting to takeover my life. Thank You

17-04-18, 23:46
I would think it was more a muscular issue to be honest.

18-04-18, 07:53
I would think it was more a muscular issue to be honest.

I agree with this, plus back pain is not an early sign of PC.

18-04-18, 08:33
I'm going through the PC fear at the moment with back pain. My GP told me the other day that the back pain with PC is very specific, would not come and go and as it usually appears at a more advanced stage you would likely be very ill by the time you had it. Sounds like you have a muscular problem

18-04-18, 14:11
Please dont google if you have this fear. Makes it worse. I know this fear all too well too.

18-04-18, 22:48
Thanks guys I will try not to Google anymore. It's crazy you can type in anything on Google and the first thing it shows is cancer or some dreaded disease. It's really a nightmare for Hypochondriacs like myself

27-06-18, 22:40
After being pretty good with my anxiety for the past year about a week ago I started getting a deep dull stabbing pain in my upper middle abdomen that lasts about 20 seconds then goes away and might come back a couple hours later. Its not terrible pain but its not pleasant either . it comes and goes and really every time I get it I keep freaking out its PC or Gastric Cancer or a Tumor pressing on my nerves . Im 34 years old and a type 2 Diabetic so recently I started the Keto Diet and have also been having a lot of loose stools and am wondering if that could be a cause. But my fear of the dreaded C word has really gotten me very depressed and I feel I just lost intrest in fun things I use to like because im always afraid I have PC. Help Please :weep:

27-06-18, 23:13
You're not alone. I think there are 3 or 4 PC threads running right now. There's some good info and reassurance in them. Do a search.

Positive thoughts

28-06-18, 01:08
You're not alone. I think there are 3 or 4 PC threads running right now. There's some good info and reassurance in them. Do a search.

Positive thoughts

Perhaps the news about Joe Jackson has been a trigger. But he was 89 years old. Not normal among people in their 30s at all.

28-06-18, 06:26
Hi! And welcome to the club!
Hope you feel better soon....

28-06-18, 07:09
Well I went to the ER and they did all the blood tests and said everything looks great. But I'm still worried could PC be detected in a blood test?

28-06-18, 08:50

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


28-06-18, 09:33
Well I went to the ER and they did all the blood tests and said everything looks great. But I'm still worried could PC be detected in a blood test?

What made you go to the ER?!

28-06-18, 22:02
I went out of fear and wanting a answer . i just pray that bloods were enough to see if something was wrong