View Full Version : Sharp/pulling feeling in chest..

28-06-18, 23:19
Hey long time reader first time poster.

Quick background. 29 M 199 lbs who has suffers from anxiety/hypochondria.

Been having some mild chest pains/pulling feeling in the left side of my chest for about a week. It’s not to severe just kinda nagging. My anxiety puts me into full gear when you start to google symptoms. I recently have been seeing the doctors for PVCs/palpitations the last year. Had EKG, stress test and echocardiogram all in about the past year. Everything has came up normal. My anxiety wants me to get it checked out but my pocket doesn’t lol. I’ve read things that if it was a heart attack (pressure, dizziness etc.) you would know and wouldn’t be looking for answers.

Any input would be great. Thanks!

30-06-18, 08:12
Hello. I described a similar feeling for a while. Mine would be often sharp pulling in my left chest. If took a very deep breath, I could kind of release the pain. Mine would just come all of a sudden, then go when I took a deep breath. I was already due a visit with my pulmonologist for asthma, so I asked him about it. He said it sounded like it could be a posture problem (as a caution, he took an xray, which was clear). Posture made so much sense to me. I have bad posture, which I think can cause pain on the muscles between the ribs.
And of course... as anxiety goes... this pain was really annoying the heck out of me... until the doctor eased my mind. I have barely noticed it since. :)
Good luck!

30-06-18, 19:13
Years ago I literally thought I was having a heart attack. It almost felt like my heart pulling/dropping. When I got to my doctor my blood pressure was through the roof. Literally. They wouldn't let me go until it stabilized. And it was all anxiety.

Hey long time reader first time poster.

Quick background. 29 M 199 lbs who has suffers from anxiety/hypochondria.

Been having some mild chest pains/pulling feeling in the left side of my chest for about a week. It’s not to severe just kinda nagging. My anxiety puts me into full gear when you start to google symptoms. I recently have been seeing the doctors for PVCs/palpitations the last year. Had EKG, stress test and echocardiogram all in about the past year. Everything has came up normal. My anxiety wants me to get it checked out but my pocket doesn’t lol. I’ve read things that if it was a heart attack (pressure, dizziness etc.) you would know and wouldn’t be looking for answers.

Any input would be great. Thanks!