View Full Version : Reflecting back on a year

29-06-18, 23:11
Hello NMP its been a while.

So its been a year since I relapsed at work and was on the floor in tears not knowing what has happened with the ambulance team around me. I thought WOW that year was one of the toughest years I have ever faced but I am here still fighting daily! Going from 11 stone to 9 stone in a matter of 3 months being off work for 5 months, going through CBT, different tablets, doctors appt, sleepless nights, box sets after box sets I am here writing this now. I am not 100% and suffer still but its a lot better than a year a go. I would like to thank the people I speak to almost daily from this site :) Ash, Nat, Em, Ez, Nik and Haydee if I didnt have them to moan at or to talk random stuff with I dont know where I would be so thank you so much for being there for me!!!! I suppose I wanted to write this to say to anyone suffering with mental health is you are not alone. You will get better but it is not overnight you have to fight and be positive. I also want to thank this site for allowing me to meet some great people and to also vent like I am now. Even if no 1 reads it haha.... I am grateful to be where I am and where I am come from in this fight and I know anyone reading this can do the same :)

Much Love


30-06-18, 10:28
Awwwwww we love you Matthew!! You're awesome. The next 12 months will be better for you for sure <3

03-07-18, 17:59
So brave, keep moving forward Mathew. That was a very moving post to read, thanks for sharing.
It is so scary when control goes. Its so upsetting to see weight drop away like that. I am experiencing that to a lesser degree. I wish you continued improvement and calm.