View Full Version : Trusting Your Doctor

21-12-04, 15:44
Did any of you have problems believing ansd trusting in your Doctor's diagnosis ?

I have been to my GP 15 times in the past 3 months and although my symptoms are very real to me, my doctor dismisses them as not clinically important or necessarily indicative of any specific illness.

How do I start believing its just anxiety ?

21-12-04, 16:58
hi pnb, I also dont trust many of my doctors. have u had many blood and other tests to rule out anything els?
If not tell your doc u want these tests, that should make u feel better. take care. Vernon

21-12-04, 17:37
hello there,

It can sometimes be hard to trust our doctors as to us our symptoms are so much more than 'just anxiety'. For a long time, I was convinced that there was something more serious wrong with me as well. Finally, enough time passed that I realised that it had all been in my head and that my fear was just another symptom of the anxiety I was suffering. I'm sure you will soon have the same thing happen to you.

Sarah :D

21-12-04, 18:27
I was living at the doctors for years and had many many tests - e.c.g., e.e.g, blood tests, saw a neurologist etc etc.

I would not believe that there wasn't something wrong and sometimes I still don't.

BUT - there is nothing wrong with me and I have to accept that it is anxiety and I know that it is not easy atall but in time you will accept it.

I hope other people's advice helps you too.


21-12-04, 18:31
at the practice im at you just get used to one doctor who has some idea of what your feeling then they leave.....then im a bit embarrassed to go through it all with the new one so i just accept repeat prescripts without telling them how things are changing

fan x

21-12-04, 20:18
Hi pnb,

My GP was very good she could see how scared I was
so she sent me for blood test, scans exrays, they all
came back negative.
Although this made me feel abit better it was not untill
I found this site and accept that I had PA anxiaty that
the healing prosses started.
My partner noticed a difference in me, I told him it was
because of this site and the special people on her.
He looked at me and asked " how do you know that they
are telling you the truth"
I smiled and said " I dont't have to convince anyone else
that all the information on here works, I just have to
convince myself.
I am now 95% better.

I hope that in time you can learn how to feel better.



Great changes may not happen right away,
but with effort the difficult may become easy.

21-12-04, 22:14
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">He looked at me and asked " how do you know that they
are telling you the truth"
I smiled and said " I dont't have to convince anyone else
that all the information on here works, I just have to
convince myself.

<div align="right">Originally posted by jill - 21 December 2004 : 20:18:12</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Jill - You are so right there! Who cares whether we tell you the truth or not as long as it works and it does so that is good enough.

We know it works and we just pass on our experiences and if that helps you then yes it works. Not a miracle I know but we can all help and that is all it takes sometimes.


21-12-04, 22:57

There are a few tests that everyone should have initially when they are diagnosed with panic and anxiety to rule out a few illnessess that can mimic panic or cause it.

After that are some that depending on developing symptoms that can be measured as time goes by but most of the time we can start to learn that thinking about stuff makes it worse and when we're distracted it gets a bit better.. and we see a pattern.
This wouldn't happen with an illness...

If you want to share with us anything tahts really bothering you with whats been dismissed we can giev you our general concensus whichis not a diagnosis but can help to know you're in good company with it ..


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-12-04, 14:08
I have a fantastic relationship with my doctor.

:D We give each other as good as we get.

He bought a new car (which in my opinion looked like an ice cream van).
So when picking up my medication I asked for a cornetto and and a 99.
And was promptly told to bugger off !

I told him I had a strange thing on my back and could he do anything for it ... Then I turned round to reveal a large pickachu backpack. :D

For years I have suffered with chrondomalacia patella.
After visiting many doctors and getting nowhere, he was the only one who actually believed the pain I was suffering and decided to investigate the problem and get a diagnosis.

When I was first diagnosed with panic problems he was very understanding and referered me to someone who could help.
Most dismissiveness is put down to a lack of understanding.

I consider myself to be very lucky. As not everyone has such a good relationship their GP.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

22-12-04, 16:01
im probably the last person to give you faith in the medical system. But my relationship with my doctors, psyciatrics is strained to say the least. I have little time for people who think they know better then the person with the illness. I noticed there are a few people who get 'dismissed'. Its really sad cos i know i feel like the only person on the planet at times. There is very little about round where i live, and at 20, i have been told once it was my 'hormones'. I just laughed