View Full Version : Only taken one dose and feeling awful :(

30-06-18, 07:06
Hi everyone,
I just started on Venlafaxine yesterday (37.5 mg a day but I知 supposed to double that after this week), and I feel awful! I couldn稚 sleep very well last night, I feel so sick and like I知 in a dream, I feel dazed. And my throat keeps feeling tight like I知 about to gag :( I知 not sure I could handle doubling the dose if this is how it makes me feel! I was just wondering, did any of you have some side effects when you started Venlafaxine? How long did they last? I知 hoping these will go away eventually as I have really high hopes for it :( thank you everyone

30-06-18, 10:23
I personally had no side-effects, but remember it takes time for your body to adjust to the new medication and you just need to be patient and wait it out. Increased anxiety is common when first starting or when increasing a dose, so try and just take it as a sign of Venlafaxine working... :)

Linda 10
30-06-18, 10:42
I started on 75mg and had all the side effects u have and more some times you just have to accept them and wait it out , I have been 5weeks and having some all right day and some not so good days .Please make sure u take your meds with food even if u don't feel like eating ,my appetite is just coming back know after 5 weeks ,stick with it and it will get better. Some times u are anxious about the meds ,try not to think about them and keep busy if u can , take care. Linda x. :bighug1:

06-07-18, 21:41
Hi, l have been on venlafaxine for 4 days at 37mgs. Moved up to 75 mg today weaning off Lexapro after 5 weeks which didn稚 really help. I have not felt bad side effects yet but maybe moving up to 75mgs will cause some. I am hoping it will help my intense anxiety. What kind of side effects are you experiencing.

07-07-18, 00:36
Hi, l have been on venlafaxine for 4 days at 37mgs. Moved up to 75 mg today weaning off Lexapro after 5 weeks which didn’t really help. I have not felt bad side effects yet but maybe moving up to 75mgs will cause some. I am hoping it will help my intense anxiety. What kind of side effects are you experiencing.

I had no side effects at all until I hit 150mg (some nausea, constipation and dizziness).

26-07-18, 00:23
I'm on day 2 and feeling miserable- very anxious. Even klonopin is only taking the edge off slightly. I'm on 25 MG. I'm supposed to double the dose in a week. We'll see if I make it on this medication for another week. I've kind of run out of all my options :(